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Get Oghren ASAP


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I'd like a mod that allowed you to get Oghren much earlier in the campaign.


Now I know you can go to Orzamar first and get him but the game is set up to do Orzamar last and timewise it doesn't make sense to go spend weeks there when the arl is sick and the tower is overrun (which they are by the time you get to Lothering). Not to mention is it more fun to be at a higher level in the deep roads.


Lorewise, it would make sense. According to the guard, Oghren should have been executed for killing that one guy but wasn't. However, he was forbidden from carrying a weapon or getting into any more fights and if he did, he would be exiled. So easy to imagine that he violated that and was in fact exiled (in fact hard to see how he didn't!)


You could find him in the tavern on Lake Calenhad and 'hire' him from there. Then when you go back to Orzamar, he can't go in because he was exiled but could then join the party when you go into the deep roads after Branka.


Most of the dialogue and rest of the game would play out the same and wouldn't need any alteration. Just the scripting to get him to Lake Calenhad and something to get him out of orzamar (stop him talking to the guard and being in the tavern).

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