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Everything posted by Kajana

  1. Good idea! and a great one to include charity options. :) In fact, since you have a wildlife option, I'd like to request an option for the Humane Society.
  2. <<<The answer is the modders make the mods they want to make. It just so happens that the people who know how to mod Mass Effect wanted to make more FemShep mods than MaleShep. It's that simple.>>> That rather states the obvious but doesn't answer the question as to why that is, which I would guess is what they're asking. Modders do mod what interests them and what they care about. Most female gamers play as female characters and most of the people who make games are male. The games are designed for male players playing as a male character. Not trying to be sexist those are just facts. Heck the promotional material for ME and ME2 didn't even show a female Shepard as a possibility. The male version is given the priority so the female version's appearance, outfits, armors, dialogue and/or romances aren't given the same time and attention and so modders try to make up the difference. Men and women care about different things with regards to their characters... like hair. Guys generally don't care, or at least the ones making the games aren't that interested in the female character's hair, so the hair in games for female characters is generally horrible (I mean there are like 7 hairstyles and 3 of them are buns and one's a ponytail!). The best female hairstyles get given to the love interests of the male character. Female gamers/modders care about the hair for their character so they mod in lots of different hair. Same is true for different outfits and armors. The guys who make the games generally design outfits they want to wear and for the female outfits they want women to wear, which is the only explanation as to why the male shepard gets jeans and a cool leather jacket for a casual outfit and the female that ugly, skin tight, pleather dress. All the female gamers hate it, so it gets modded and/or new ones get added and so do versions of the cool leather jacket. In addition, most of the armor is designed for the male character and some of them don't have a female version, i.e. it looks the same on both. If I wanted to look like a guy I'd play as a guy. Again the best looking female armor in the game gets given to the (potential) love interests of the male character. Speaking of wish fulfillment, the guys all are buff and the females all tiny. So if someone wants their female character to look like she is an actual marine, well they have to mod the game. Also the female's dialogue, relationships and romances are not given the same level of quality assurance and have many more bugs, inconsistencies and other problems that modders try to fix. So in short if someone playing as a female character wants their character to look as good, dress as well and have the game be as bug free and consistent as the male version of the game, they have to mod it. I do realize that this game was made before the study came out that said that half the gamers are female (okay it was like 48% close enough) and I'm not even disputing that the male version of the game gets played more, but to answer the question as to why there are more femshep centered mods, the fact that female version needs them, is a big reason.
  3. Not really, just do everything as quickly as possible and plan for a hasty retreat. Get set on earth facing the relay, scan it and immediately hit the 'enter orbit' button. Pick them up, then as soon as you exit out of scanning, start heading for the relay and hit the 'plot relay' button as soon as it pops up and you should be okay. It might take you a time or two so you know where the buttons are and can hit them fast enough but it is possible. Good luck. Also helps if you've upgraded the Normandy with the defense upgrades that you buy at the engineering terminal (next to where Tali is stationed).
  4. I've seen some great concept art of the asari where they look... you know... more like aliens instead of like female humans. I was wondering if it was possible to change their head meshes (I realize the body one would be too much work because of the armor and clothing, etc) so they look more interesting. Or perhaps doing something with the textures. I don't know enough about this stuff to know but it would them more interesting and less like a Star Trek cliche.
  5. I don't know if this will help but this mod lets you change powers for squadmates for ME3, even giving them multiplayer powers. Might be able to do something similar for ME2. https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffect3/mods/539 If you want it to give him that skill that's cool but as an FYI it isn't lore accurate in that her ability is a tech power and Thane doesn't have any tech skills, he's all biotics and combat. It also isn't actually a teleport skill, she just goes invisible, races to the target, then re-cloaks and comes back. If you target the ability on an enemy that isn't accessible, the skill fails and she says "Can't get there."
  6. I love the N7 tshirt mod https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffect3/mods/3 But I'd like it to use the buff femshep body model https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffect3/mods/187 Since that replaces vanilla outfits there should be a way to make them compatible but I don't know enough about meshes and textures to figure it out. Any help would be appreciated!
  7. This looks incredible!!! I'm in. I don't know if be any good at the voice work but I do have basic knowledge of the modding toolset and have done modding for other games, so should be able to figure it out. I have also done beta testing for mods for other games. So whatever you need, let me know!
  8. I'd rather Tali didn't have this black and yellow Cerberus inspired outfit that doesn't look like any other quarians' outfit in the beginning of the game. I would think there would be a way to replace her normal textures with the altnerate appearance outfit but I don't know enough about texture modding to figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. The tank top mod https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffect3/mods/203/? Looks great and I'd like to use it but I'd rather have it replace some other outfit than the intro one. (I happen to like that one) If anyone can help it would be appreciated.
  10. There are several mods that put squadmates (old and new) into their ME2 alternate pack outfits, namely Miranda, Jack, and Grunt. But haven't seen such mods for Thane or Garrus. So if someone could do that or if such a mod exists and someone could let me know, I would appreciate it.
  11. Also the Cheater's Pad mod http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffect3/mods/538/? includes the ability to toggle 'God' mode.
  12. Thanks so much not only for the information but the link! I now have the page bookmarked and will be working my way through them. I will give it a try and see what I come up with. ;) Again, much appreciated! :D
  13. That sounds perfect! :D I'm not worried about the dialogue ones, do want to catch the interrupts and such. But more the big ones that are usually at the beginning or end of a battle that waste time. (Really hate the ones at the beginning of a fight when you have died and have to watch them over and over! lol) Sorry for the noob question, I'm relatively new to ME modding but how would you do that? I didn't see a file like that in biogame, though probably just missing it. Would I need to use explorer for that? Any help is much appreciated.
  14. The only other thing I can think of is some kind of 'God' mode. I know there is a mod like that for ME2 in the Cheat Codes mod but not sure about ME3. But that might be worth looking up.
  15. I don't know of a code or anything but I also had trouble with that fight on pc (no problems on xbox though) and here is what I would suggest. One as rubydorje said lower the difficulty to the easiest setting which is 'narrative', If at all possible get a controller, doesn't matter what kind, just about any kind will work and you can probably borrow one for this fight. Even if not used to a controller, this fight was designed by someone using a thumb stick to move, and it is much easier that way. The biggest thing to remember about this is that it's really about timing. You don't have to move constantly. In fact the targeting is faster if you aren't moving and trying to target and move will slow you down. Also keep in mind, the gun only targets when the destroyer is firing the laser. Once the destroyer starts the laser it goes straight up, and it will finish its track even if you are on the other side. So get to one side stay there until it shoots then either roll or run out of range. Then while not moving and it is still firing, target it. If it recovers before you're done targeting, stop and repeat. The targeting will not start over but continue from where you stopped. I hope that helps.
  16. Except that [Esc] doesn't work to skip cutscenes in ME3. Hitting [Esc] during those scenes doesn't even pause the game or bring up the menu as it does outside of cutscenes and dialogue. Nothing I have tried does anything during those scenes. Now hitting [space] works to skip lines in dialogues but it doesn't affect the longer cutscenes. I appreciate the answer but it doesn't apply here.
  17. Some of the cutscenes are a waste of time, break immersion and realism or hurt gameplay. Such as the atlas on Sur'kesh, having to wait and watch it fall with hands tensed and ready to fight it is annoying and cramp inducing; another is having to watch Kai Lang stumble his way towards Shepard and somehow try to believe they don't hear him or watching Jack save the kid who somehow got completely lost at her own school and got into the room Shepard was just in without passing her or watching Shepard take way too long to get into the shuttle on Gellix and somehow get herself nearly blown up and have to be saved by the scientist (thanks squadmates!). So while some of the scenes are great and I could watch over and over (watching 'Eve' take out the Cerberus troops never gets old) it may help credulity to skip a few of the others. I would think that there should be some way to skip these or at least make them skippable. Any help would be appreciated.
  18. This is sort of how I envisioned it: Once you talk to Anderson at the base and you get the plan for the assault on the beam you get a report from intel about 10-12 points that the reapers may hit. For example... They could set up a jamming station to stop all communications There are several buildings that they could use to fire down onto the tanks There are several bridges and access points where reaper forces could use to get to the tanks quickly There are a couple roofs of buildings that harvesters are using as staging areas There are several husk transports in route They have set up a blockade close to the beam Part of the route is overrun They have set up traps and barricades close to the beam The tanks need upgrades to withstand the journey to the beam Communications need to be maintained Supply lines and access routes have to be maintained and protected, so that teams don't get cut off or run out of supplies (ammo or medi-gel) So once you pick your team you then can assign team members (with an associated group) or some of the forces you have gathered. For example... Kaidan and the biotic squad Tali and quarian (and maybe also geth) engineers Edi and geth (or the Cerberus AI's if have EGM) Liara and her Shadow Broker teams James and/or Ashley and marine teams Javik and a mixed race group Garrus and the Turian Special Forces Also you could have at your disposal: Major Kierre and STG (if he is alive) Grunt and Arlack company (if he is alive and old one would be stronger than new) Wrex and Krogan battlemasters (if he is alive) Zaeed and merc band (if he is alive) Asari commandos with/out Samara (if get Liarra and her father to talk and/or do Messana) Geth and geth primes (if survive) Quarians (if survive) Elcor (if rescue) Batarians (if do the Batarian code mission and convince him to help) Grissom Acadamy biotics (either as fighters or support) Turian Special Forces (if disarm bomb) Racni (if save queen) Specters and/or the hanar and drell (if help Bau) Aria's mercs (if do mission) Volus squad (if do volus ambassador) then the resistance fighters and marines as the standard So let's say there are some buildings harvesters are using as staging areas. You can pick a team of resistance fighters to go in and take them out but they would be killed, pick marines and most would be killed but they might succeed in setting off explosives in the first couple floors to make use of the building impossible. The krogan, turians, mercs and such would have better success but still high casualties. Specters, and asari commandos, even better with fewer casualties with the STG group having the most success and fewest casualties, especially if Major Kierre is with them. However, if you have the rachni, they have the added advantage of being able to crawl up the outside of the building, planting the explosives on the top floors and getting out, destroying the building, the anti tank guns, the staging area and even a few of the harvesters. Another example would be if an area is overrun and needs cleared out, again several teams can do the job with a varying level of success and casualties, the best would be the elcor and even better if you also have the geth. The geth can upload themselves into the elcor's VI cannons and infantry and they become a very effective force that slowly but surely clears the way for the tanks. Then during the mission you, get reports about the progress of the teams, success and casualties. It may not be possible to change the mission much (like having different group attack depending on who does what) but at least it would provide a backstory to the mission and include all assets. Anyway, that was the basic idea.
  19. Okay having Brooks seem to help and then betray Shepard was lazy (especially since they already used that trick in Lair of the Shadow Broker and double especially since she plays a role that could easily been filled by Sam with more creative writing) fine but the point is after you know she is acting and a bad guy her constant comments get annoying and take away from the squadmate's banter that we actually want to hear. So if there was a way to just mute her for all combat scenes, that would make replaying Citadel much better.
  20. That whole exchange where Jack punches Shepard makes no sense for a paragon Shepard. I would think there has to be a way to skip that and go from her jumping over the wall to the squadmates comment directly. Also if someone could make a mod to change her outfit to one of the Aliiance ones, that'd be awesome
  21. Just use the ME3 trick of having a minor character be a back up, i.e. if Thane isn't alive then Major Kierre steps in, if he is also dead then the salarian counselor dies or if Mordin is dead the Padok Wilks (?) steps in to cure the genophage, or if Tali is dead, Admiral Xen takes over on the geth missions. So if the person the side mission is designed for isn't available then have a back up, from the pool of people who have said they will help, but if that back up isn't available (you didn't help them or they have died) that mission fails. So if you get everyone killed then the side missions fail and it makes the end game harder to 'win'. The idea just like in ME2 if you make friends and care enough to keep everyone alive you have better success odds. Or if you only have three squadmates (Liara, James and Edi who you have to have) and seven possible missions then you have to pick the ones they handle and hope the rest of your forces can cover the rest. Having a squadmate there could determine not the missions success but the causalities. If no help then the entire force doing that job gets wiped out. So, if no squadmates, you can still get minor characters killed off. That then rewards gather as many allies as possible so as to have a large pool to draw from and options for the different missions.
  22. It always bothers me that femShep is in a short dress when everyone else is in a long dress. Great way to be sneaky if you stick out like a sore thumb, not to mention the long dresses are much nicer. Would just like a long vanilla black and/or white dress instead of the short dress for the casino scene and the Miranda hang out at the casino (both of which put Shep in the short dress despite anything shep might be wearing) or at least be able to select a dress to wear on those occassions. Thanks.
  23. Oh I do enjoy the game, very much in fact. I just would enjoy it more without that annoyance. ;) I haven't done much with meshes and textures but that gives me a place to start. Thank you for the info! Much appreciated. :)
  24. No doubt there was supposed to be some kind of 'final battle' in which all your sqaudmates and allies show up (much like the final battles in DAO and DA2) I mean why else would they all say how they will be there in the battle for Earth but then not show or show up but not be used (such as Wrex and Primarch Victus). While it would be nice to have some kind of final battle with everyone showing up include all squadmates (much like the archive fight in the Citadel DLC), adding such to the game would most likely be problematic for modders (although adding an extra battle between taking out the destroyer and Anderson showing up would seem to be possible) However it would be nice if the others (both squadmates and allies) could participate in the fight even if off camara. After picking your team for the final part of Priority Earth, you get reports of reapers attacking along the route. Then based on your allies and squadmates you can assign them to different positions and to attack different groups. For example, you get the report of rachni coming from the east, husks and cannibals from the west and brutes and banshees from the north. You could then assign allies, such as have a krogan ground team attack the rachni with turian air support, have geth primes and/or the quarian patrol fleet defend against the husks and cannibles, and the STG groups with the asari commandoes take on the brutes and banshees. Obviously who you have available depends on who you have recruited. How strong each force is, how many, who matches up well against what type of enemies and which groups fight well together would all determine who lives and dies and (if possible) could affect either the number and strength of the waves you face in the last fight or determine your enemies in a battle added for this purpose before making the beam run. You could then assign the squadmates left behind to tasks, like Edi and Tali go back to the Normandy, James and Ashley take command of groups of marines, Kaidan leads biotics, Liara with the asari commandos, Garrus with the turian troops, etc and each could then be assigned specific tasks or to assist in the battle. Again match ups and/or EMS could determine who survives or provide either bonus or determine the number, waves and types of enemies you fight. Like for the additional battle, three groups are closing in on your position. You assign your other squadmates and the groups they are with to take out two of them and you take out the other one. This way get to pick who you fight. Outside of the added battle (if that is even possible) the rest could be all off camara and done in a way similar to how EGM does with reports and assignments. While it may not change much gameplaywise (or it could if there is a way to have that determine the waves while you defend the missiles or add in an extra fight) it would increase immersion and at least give the feeling of a bigger fight and everyone (allies and squadmates) being involved.
  25. I hate Kai Leng and not in the way you are supposed to hate villains but in that he is annoying and I just want him out of the game and off the screen. He is so talked up but really not impressive at all. He could be replaced with a generic Cerberus agent/s and the game would be a lot tighter. Not to mention, most of the scenes with him don't even make sense. [Why doesn't Thane just shoot him? Why don't they use a sniper or bomb to take out the council at the shuttle? Why don't they have people waiting at the shuttle? Or why not two sets of assassins? Why waste time crashing Shep's car? And why not just run it over? Or shoot it down? And really we are supposed to believe that Shepard and co turn their backs on him and don't hear him stumble his way to them? Sorry, rant over.) I'd pay money to remove him from the game entirely but seeing as that would probably be problematic to impossible anything that minimizes his screen time would be appreciated. What I'd like is to have any or all of the following: the cutscenes with him removed, have all conversations he has or any ones about him removed, have his character model replaced with the generic phantom or something else and/or have him not say anything during combat. If anyone can help with any of this, I'd appreciate it. :) [side note: You know what would have been better is if they'd have used the whole 'clone' story instead. It makes sense that Cerberus would clone Shepard for parts. But when they saw they didn't need them, I can see TIM 'improving' the clone with reaper tech like he used on the soldiers. It would make them a powerful enemy. If they wanted to get fancy it could have even been a version of whatever class Shepard is and then could be revealed as Shep's clone after Shepard kills them at the Cerberus HQ by using a 'reaperish' version of Shep's headmorph and the backstory though the vid consoles. Anyway...]
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