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Optimized Vanilla Textures crash


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Need some help here. I think I properly installed the Skyrim Optimized Vanilla Textures, I downloaded and installed the 1st file via MO and extracted and installed each of the 2nd files (the DLCs) also with MO. The thing is, I don't know why my game crashes if I enable this mod. Here's a pic of my MO (the - Clean mods are the dlc patches that I cleaned with TES5edit).


More information about the crash: if optimized vanilla textures is disabled the game runs fine, no crash. When enabled, after starting a new game, it crashes on the path to Riverwood, never made it to that village before crashing, though I reached the guardian stones.

PD: my rig gtx970 + i5 4690 3.5gHz + 8GB RAM (you think it could be a VRAM problem?)

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: well, I modified some settings in the Skyrim.prefs.ini and now I reached Riverwood, BUT, the dog was purple, Alvor's clothes were black, and some weapons purple. So I presume it has to do with textures?

2nd EDIT: it seems it would crash sometimes, so it's not a textures/meshes problem only... Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by xipitus
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Hi snelss0,

Yes, I followed the install intructions, but couldn't find the install.vbs file where it was supposed to be (Skyrim/Data). the file was not there (there are .bsa files). When I install part 1 the installer says nothing about running the .vbs file if you select the MO option. (there is also in the same installer a NMM option which says you have to run it). So what should I do?

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I reinstalled the Optimized Vanilla Textures Part 1 but selected the NMM install version (because there was no install.vbs) and the install.vbs showed up. I ran it and everything went fine, no crashes but some textures were black/purple. So I reinstalled some of my retexture mods and finally all was fine. No crash nice textures.


TILL I enabled ETaC: the game would recrash and the black/purple textures appeared again. I disabled the mod, and tried to reinstall the textures mods again to get rid of it, but now my game crashes on the path to Riverwood and if I am lucky and make it to the village, some textures are black/purple. Suggestions?

Thx for your help!


EDIT: I figured out something that may be important. I disabled the Skyrim HD - 2K Textures mod, and now the game is running perfectly. I made a bit of research on the page of Optimized Vanilla Textures, the HD version already includes the textures (I understand?), so it could have been a conflict between these two mods (the Skytrim HD mod is yet incorporated in the Vanilla Optimized Textures HD version, right?).

Edited by xipitus
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If you are using MO then you do NOT need to worry about the install.vbs.


Download the file and install. There are two files you need for MO if using the HD packs. High resolution patch is included.


All of this is in the mods description.


Skyrim HD 2k should overwrite these textures otherwise you will get zero benefit from them......


optimized textures should be overwritten by any texture replacers you install after that.

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Hi, thanks for your reply


In Optimized Vanilla Textures there are 2 files to download, the HD version includes both the Hi Res Pack and its patch. I had downloaded and installed it correctly with MO (yes there is no need of Install.vbs if using MO) and had downloaded and installed 2K textures, placed under the Vanilla Optimized textures in the load order. For some reason, if I enable them two, game crashes. If I enable only one of them, game runs fine. Seems like there is an incompatibility for some reason.

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It's very strange, because it seems to crash whenever I enable a mod that changes the textures for the clothes as Rustic Clothing. If disabled it works fine.

And ETaC makes the game crash too. Should I completely uninstall and then redownload and reinstall the Optimized Vanilla Textures? That could make something good? Sorry because I can't understand why is this happening...

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