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[LE] Making a lantern carryable


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I had this under Mod Talk, but it might be better here.


I'm trying to create a mod to make a portable lantern. I started out with using someone else's mod, but I didn't like the looks of the lanter. In the CK his lantern is listed under Lights>Weapons. I created a duplicate from that lantern, then I changed the nif to a CandleLantern that I liked; however, it was a static object, and now my lantern was no longer listed under Lights>Weapons but under Static. In gameplay, the lantern looks fine sitting on a surface, but when my character picks it up and tries to equip it, the lantern moves along with him but it is on the floor between his feet. I assume it's because I used a nif from a static object, but I am wondering if there is any way to change the model from Static to Weapon.

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I'm no expert here, but I did something similar, in that I created custom "Shield" out of some paintings, so I could hang painting on various shield racks and move them around at I got bored with the layout, found one I like better, etc.



Almost all the work needed to make it work was done in Nifskope.


First thing I had to do was remove the collider data from the .nif, and then using chunkmerge, and in my case a shield for the template (you'll likely need the working lantern from the mod) set the collision data. (is this really necessary, I'm not sure, but it worked)


Then in Nifskope, open a second Nifskope window, loaded both my painting.nif and the shield.nif, I went line by line through the nodes/flags making sure that the painting.nif had all the same flags, and nodes as the working shield. make sure the strings also match. At this point the only things that shouldn't match are the NiTriShape nodes. once those matched, it was simply a case of firing up CK, duplicating a shield, changing the .nif, and finding a place to put it. It was a lot of trial and error at first, but it isn't too difficult, if you have a functioning lantern .nif to use as a base.





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Thanks nhguy for your input! I did something similar, but one thing I will have to go back and try that I didn't do was to dupicate the text strings. I did the rest with the flag values, but as I mentioned, the lamp gets dragged along on the floor by the character's feet. I'll try the text strings and let you know. Nice screen shot by the way!

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Thanks NexusComa! I did look at that mod, and may end up using it. However, I got on this modification kick, and I really want to find out HOW it is done. No sense reinventing the wheel, I guess, but I just want to know why it rolls :wallbash:! But thanks for the heads up!

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Thanks nhguy for your input! I did something similar, but one thing I will have to go back and try that I didn't do was to dupicate the text strings. I did the rest with the flag values, but as I mentioned, the lamp gets dragged along on the floor by the character's feet. I'll try the text strings and let you know. Nice screen shot by the way!



I had the same problem with the shields dragging at my feet until I changed the NiStringExtraData node's String Data to "SHIELD". I'm pretty sure this is the node that tells the game where to attach you nif.


As for the Wearable Lanterns Mod NexusComa linked, I can fully endorse it, as I've been using it for a while now and love it. I actually thought maybe you were already using it as your base, but simply wanted to change a Lantern mesh.

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I started out with Carryable Lanterns and Candles, and that had the lantern laying down, which I wasn't crazy about, so I decided to mess with the mesh. And, as they say, the rest is history (and a lot of time spent, but what the heck? A hobby's a hobby, right?). Anyway, I'll let you know what I come up with.

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