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Extraordinary young talent,how does this happen?How is it possible?


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Developing a skill is one thing but these youngsters have no need of development.

What the bloody hell is going on here and why are we not all bloody genius's?Hehe..

"... most highly creative people are polymaths- they enjoy and excel at a range of challenging activities. For instance, in a survey of scientists at all levels of achievement, the [researchers] found that only about one sixth report engaging in a secondary activity of an artistic or creative nature, such as painting or writing non-scientific prose. In contrast, nearly all Nobel Prize winners in science have at least one other creative activity that they pursue seriously. Creative breadth, the [researchers] argue, is an important but understudied component of genius."

Genius and the length and health of the dendrites and axons in the brain may explain a lot.Some studies say that dendrite growth depends on the physical connection of parent and child.Movement and touching of the child by the parent actually promotes dendrite branching which increases the flow of neurotransmitters throughout the brain.

Edited by gandalftw
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You would be hard pressed to find any publicly accepted talented artists after about 1994, but it dose happen...rarely. Yet before that being untalented yet publicly praised in the mainstream was the exception, not the rule. Now, sadly based on what I have seen the reverse is truer. You don't even have to be able to carry a tune without technological aid. Its all about image, but what image? That's the question. What are they trying to say and why?

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