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Raven/nightingale bird companion


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So on a recent playthrough I got my nightingale on and after seeing Nocturnal's awesome bird-related summoning I had a real hankering to have one or two to perch on my shoulder, fetch arrows, catch and feed on Skyrim's plentiful insects and (as Diablo II had it) peck out the eyes of my enemies. They could be free moving npcs with targets for perching on you similar to dragon perches like towers and word walls.


Is anyone aware of anything like this being built already, or were there similar ideas already implemented in oblivion etc that could be ported over?


This is something I'd love to see and - if it hasn't already been done - get going myself.


Any other suggestions?

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Would be interesting from several points of view. Among other other summonable animals we could play as a beastmaster type of character. I can also point at the fact that Nocurnal are not alone in the raven follower idea, the norse main deity Odin have them as well.

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