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showracemenu command and hidden stats


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Just have a question about this. I know that when using showracemenu to change your character's appearance, your stats such as health/magicka/stam and also combat/noncombat stats get reset. This isn't a problem as I added them back in with setav and (so far) it seems to be working okay. But I read that there are hidden stats such as critchance, meleedamage, etc that exist. I don't know how these scale and I don't know if they would be reset after using showracemenu. Can someone explain to me if I need to add/alter any stats that aren't actually visible in order to bring my character back to balance for her level? I'm concerned that I'm going to now have the melee and crit of a level 1, or that there are other stats I lost I don't know about. Thanks.
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bump, I also have an additional question so as not to spam up the topic page...


Anyone know if it's currently possible to change your character's body to that of another race without changing their head and face? I really like playing an Orc but I usually play in 3rd person, and her posture and the way she runs is.... bad. But I still want to be an orc, just maybe with the body from another race. I know how to get the skintone of another race while staying as an Orc using the console but so far I failed to find out a way to get another race's body. If someone knows a method, let me know. I don't even mind replacing all orc female bodies if someone tells me how to do it.

Edited by xleileix
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You could do this in FO3 and FO:NV using the console ... "player.setrace" ? maybe ... Not sure exactly (there's a thread with a whole bunch of console commands) what, if any, consequences there are for using it though.

In the console of FO3 and FO:NV you could 'clone' the appearance of an NPC onto yourself and seeing as how Skyrim is basically the same game (yeah, yeah, shutup, you know it is :whistling: ) It may be possible

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There are hidden stats which make the races slightly different in terms of melee damage output, but AFAIK it's all about the scale of the character and not the race, per se.


I wouldn't worry about it too much, though. The differences are very small, so as to be more or less negligible.


There's a forum thread on it here.

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@ Perraine, I've used setrace racename to steal attributes of other races such as skin and eye color, but my character completely loses all her facial structure appearance (as in she will have the head of for example an elf, not an orc) unless I then use setrace orc at the end of the session. This causes me to keep any facial changes I made such as giving her another race's skintone or eye color while maintaining her orc head/face, but the actual body mesh always changes back to an Orc. So while setrace is a cool command for creating characters who look like mixed races, I have not been able to make it work that way with changing the bodytype only.


@hucifer/Northwolf, thanks for your replies and the thread link. One of the reasons I like playing an Orc is that we have a scale of 1.04...which would be the best in the game if it wasn't for those OP High Elves. Anyway, I should clarify, I have not changed my character's race with showracemenu, just her appearance, and the stats I was specifically wondering about were:


CritChance - your chance to score a critical hit - 0x000003F1

MeleeDamage - weapon damage - 0x000003F2

UnarmedDamage - hand-to-hand damage - 0x000003F3

Mass - hidden stat affects stagger etc - 0x000003F4


These are all valid hidden stats but I do not know how they scale (what their min and max is) and I don't know when or why they scale, or if they reset after showracemenu, or if they are static, and so on. As I said, I manually added back all my visible stats that were lost, so that wasn't a problem, but I'm worried I lost some of these stats without knowing it. I don't want to try "adding" any of them until I know what I'm doing or if I need to. So I'm still trying to find an answer to that.

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I don't know if its what your looking for but you can get a specific race head on an other body this way:


1) type showracemenu in console

2) Select breton (exemple) and then go to body

3) Change race to desired head through the console

4) Adjust head aparence to what you like

5) Change sex twice (male => female => male) WHITOUT the console

6) Setrace breton through the console

7) At this point you can play whit skin color and some other thing, but its risky

8) Create character.


You are now a breton whit an orc head, do note that you get stuck whit the first hairstyle of the breton, I havent found a workaround yet.



Edit: Aaaannd now I realise that you already knew all that and you wanted to stay an orc, ho well. Though, an orc head on a breton body looks a lot like what you want.....

Edited by ko_sct
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I used Showracemenu on my Khajiit at lvl 27 or so, just to change her skin/fur color. I had to reset/re-apply a couple of cosmetic options like warpaint but otherwise I didn't see any changes. Her skills and perks all remained the same. Her health, magicka and stamina all stayed the same. I figured it was because I didn't actually change her race -but it all worked out quite nicely. Edited by GMatthews
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Edit: Aaaannd now I realise that you already knew all that and you wanted to stay an orc, ho well. Though, an orc head on a breton body looks a lot like what you want.....


Yeah... that's the problem! I like the bodies from most of the other female races - dark elf would be my preference - but overall I like the facial appearance, racial attributes and lore behind being an orc. So I don't want to lose that. I also want people to actually respond to me as an orc (or even better, say I look "oddly elfin" for an orc because I'm actually a physical mix...imminent mod request coming), although so far the AI has failed to do that on several occasions (tangent example: The suspicious meat dealer who wants an orc wife- not only am I female orc but the blacksmith 30 yards away is also female orc- yet he complained about how he could never get one and acted like I was the scum of the earth. And then, randomly, people do comment on that I'm an orc. Still a fail.)



Honestly, the only things I want to change about my orc's apperance is her wide-yet-hunched shoulders. She just has terrible posture compared to other races, and her arms look really bad if I sprint or run with a weapon drawn. A lot of armor look very disproprotionate when worn, when I have tested it on other race bodies and it looks acceptable. Obviously I put up with it because I'm not going to let my character OCD get in the way of playing the game, but it's something I would *like* to have a workaround for. I guess an alternate fix to this is if someone added body sliders (reducing shoulder & arm length to actually be proportionate would be so good).


Thank you for trying to help though, even if it's not the answer yet!

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