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Flora overhaul (no grass) trouble


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So I recently got skyrim legendary edition for the pc. I've been modding now for about a week or so. So far I've been learning it pretty smoothly. However, today I was installing the mod flora overhaul, after I was able to tweak my adjustments with mods and the performance to get it running well. I downloaded the flora over haul (no grass) and the patch. After I installed them, some of my trees became purple. Can someone help me please? I haven't had time to get back to it, I had to leave for work. Thank you.
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Most of the time, purple 'textures' means the texture the mesh is looking for is missing. Have you tried reinstalling SFO in case the textures weren't installed properly?

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It's not really possible for the vanilla textures to be corrupted. They're packed inside the textures.bsa. If the vanilla tree textures got corrupted, then all textures would be, as it would mean the archive is damaged. I'd assume. Anyway, to fix vanilla files, you'd have to verify the game cache on Steam. Right-click Skyrim -> Properties -> Local Files. Do doubt it's the issue in this case, though.

Vurt's trees use different file paths from vanilla for the textures. If Vurt's tree meshes are appearing in-game, then they simply can't find the corresponding textures, thus are purple.

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