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[LE] I have an issue


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I'm not the most experienced with modding, having done nothing armor or scripting related at all. Either way, the issue I'm having...

Some of you may know of the mod "Black Mage Armor" over on the Nexus. I don't use the mod personally, because I don't like the armors... Except one.

The mod has a mage robe/steel plate combo that I really dig the look of. Thing is, I don't like the black color scheme and would rather use the model but with the original textures of the respective armor and robe. I know there is a mod out there that does this, I've even used it before, but it does not have the helmet/hood combo the Black Mage Armor mod has.

What I want is to have 1 of the armor sets the mod offers, and only have that particular set in-game.

I have NifSkope and can kind of sort of navigate through it. I know how to load up a model and then apply textures to said model. I also know how to black out certain parts of a texture, which is how the wings of the helmet doesn't clip through the hood.

I would like to point out that I don't actually need the armor, just the helmet/hood. The reason is that the Robed Steel Plate Armor actually does what I want but also applies it to the Vigilant of Stendarr's you encounter sometimes, which I really like.

So I download the mod, extract the bsa, open up the respective models in NifSkope and change the textures. This worked for the armor/robe model, but not for the helmet/hood.

Basically, what I want is this and instead I'm getting this. I'm not really sure why it's not working. It's almost as if the game doesn't recognize the helmet of the model itself.

As I said, I don't have any scripting knowledge, so I'm wondering if that might be the problem? Do I need a script to tell the game that there is a helmet there?

I don't know if it would be wrong with the model itself, seeing as it looks as it should in NifSkope.

So just to simplify things: I want this to look like this and not look like this in-game. I hope I've gotten my point across. If anything is unclear, ask away.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Do a clean install of the mod. You do see the mask at that point, right? Now you change the texture of the hood in Nifskope. If the hood has a separate texture from the helmet, it should work now. If it hasn't, and helmet and hood are treated as one mesh, then that's your problem. Then you'll have to get the texture it has and the one you want and copy the hood areas from one to the other. And, of course, don't change the teture in Nifskope, you corrected the texture itself, after all. If you don't have it yet, Gimp has a .dds plugin you can get.

Does this help?

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Do a clean install of the mod. You do see the mask at that point, right? Now you change the texture of the hood in Nifskope. If the hood has a separate texture from the helmet, it should work now. If it hasn't, and helmet and hood are treated as one mesh, then that's your problem. Then you'll have to get the texture it has and the one you want and copy the hood areas from one to the other. And, of course, don't change the teture in Nifskope, you corrected the texture itself, after all. If you don't have it yet, Gimp has a .dds plugin you can get.

Does this help?

After quite some time I managed to get it to work. Looking pretty dapper if I do say so myself.

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