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Blocky & Jagged Shadow


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hi, i'm going crazy trying to resolve the orrible blocky shadow in oblivion like screen "LOOK THIS SHADOW" as you can see on face of char, shadow are very blocky, i see a lot of screen in this forum with perfect shadow and lighting effect.... someone can help me to fix ????

i tryed with vanilla setting, with real light, obge lhdr, but nothing.....

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You can try turning off charatcter self-shadowing, but that will just get rid of the shadow. It won't "fix" it.

I haven't found a fix for this, but hopefully one exists.

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You can try turning off charatcter self-shadowing, but that will just get rid of the shadow. It won't "fix" it.

I haven't found a fix for this, but hopefully one exists.


one of first thing i done was disable self shadow, but it go around the problem and don't fix it (and visual impact is huge...), but as is possible see in many of screenshoot (example of perfect shadow) on all nexus forum, shadow and lightining are perfect, so it must be a thing to do...

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I'm not suggesting every good looking screenshot is Photoshopped, but if it looks too good to be true, well maybe it is. If you read through some of the comments on the Uploaded Images thread they'll sometimes admit to Photoshopping an image. I've also seen it mentioned on the Mod Detectives thread when someone is asking how come the armor/face/body that they downloaded doesn't look like the screenshots. If you find an image you think may be just mods then ask the image uploader what they used.
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  • 5 months later...

Just 2 let all people know... it seems the source of the problem is the oblivon.ini file...

i downloaded a pre-optimized file and guess what?? the self shadows was looking as it was supposed to! (not that bad... only)


and yup... hope people can read this and investigate more on this...



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iShadowMapResolution=4096 (note if your pc is like 5-7 years old and modded beyond original this will cause lag)



Then there is obge v2 / v3 and whatnot which gives additional stuff like Ambient Occlusion, color depth and so on.


And here comes the bomb: People do alter lightning (or use light mod) and smooth shadows in their screen (i do that somethimes too when shadows look horrible)

If you see nice graphics in videos then their game most likely OBGE enhanced.

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4096? Isn't that a wee bit of overkill? Especially in scenes with multiple lights, torches, spells, etc. I think if I tried that, FPS would drop below 0 and the game would start running backward. Maybe on a brand new high end GPU. To me, 1024 with shadow filtering enabled looks good enough (hehe, I started gaming when games were mostly text or 2D sprites in 16 colours so I can't act too spoiled ;) )
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Well, like i said it may cause lag :D (to me it doesn't but thats because my gpu has like 1,2GB of ram)

But to be honest, there is not much of a difference after 2048 unless you do like fov 5 in console.

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