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in case of color profile troubles


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i just had an issue with that and was very happy that the solution was that easy. not as easy as it should've been but anyway...


IF you have a calibrated monitor, skyrim should work just fine with your profile. however... if you're an idiot like me, you might for some reason alter the brightness-setting ingame. which makes the game override your profile with its own, probably based on the default srgb-profile.

and as there is no "reset to defaults" button in the options, which would get rid of that override, you have to go into the ini-files yourself.


just remove the following line from SkyrimPrefs.ini and you should be good to go again:


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  • 11 months later...

OMG, you have no idea how useful this info is. Thank you so much. I had scoured the ini looking for something, but I missed that line completely.


The strange thing is, I swear I've changed the in-game brightness in the past and it hasn't suddenly freaked out and thrown my profile away, but since I most recently re-installed the game a month or so ago, and changed the brightness the first time tonight, BAM! Quite another kind of blue screen of death :P


Life save, you absolutely are.

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