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Cambridge Police Station/College Square CTD


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A player character is called a sand box in terms in the CK so you know the term and what it means.

I can turn off recognition of that for these objects for a first test to see if that is the problem.


In my shot, you will see I have opened up the properties to the Lavender box

Those are the default settings current, But, these items are still tied in to other things.


If this does NOT work, I will try something else to disconnect things a bit.

Basically we are going to Identify what mod is at fault and determine where in the load order it won't effect your game.

This allows you to keep that saved game file, where it has value to you.


two things / ways will determine if or what the issue is if the process is successful.

  1. The CTD stops on approach.
  2. The xedit program you use to inspect the data I provided cross references with all mods loaded in it on the right side of each object to indicate what mod shares this data I have altered.

you will be the only one whom will know.

Edited by Purr4me
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