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No (all) Weapon skin color mods?


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Somewhat new to using mods(from nexus) , but one thing I am VERY surprised is not a mod, is adding custom colors to your weapons, or skins as most FPS call them. The most I could find was the Magnum/Alien Blaster/Gold Mini Gun mod...that's it? I guess I can sortive see why this would be hard, but should have been one of the first things people wanted to make I would think. Although fitting, the rusted weapons like the pipe guns can be ugly, and everyone has their own taste.


Can some one please make a weapon color skin mod, with at least all the generic colors you would expect (though I would personally like Dark Purple too). Maybe even the ability to apply a different color to each weapon modification like the scopes or muzzle. Probably am asking for something that would take a while to make and implement (May even cause a problem with animations if we are really unlucky). But again, seems like something you would have thought would be in any FPS these days, absolutely ones that let you edit your guns in the first place.

Edited by GigaPhoenix
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Yes, I noticed some weapons randomly have different colors like the sniper rifle but you can't change or apply those yourself. And of course the Power armor has paints but they are sadly just (faction) themeing, not (bright and noticeable) wide veraitry coloring, course I just want to focus on Weapons for now. Applying them in the Weapon Work Bench is the idea, and being able to color different parts of the weapon, different colors, although that's more of an ambitious extra, just being able to apply any color to a weapon overall would be satisfying.

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