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How to use/spend Perk Points


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I know about levels, that is not my problem. I do not know how to get a perk using a perk point. How do I actually spend a perk point. I have eleven perk points and do not know how to apply a point to a perk, any perk. Edited by Vasslaf
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I know about levels, that is not my problem. I do not know how to get a perk using a perk point. How do I actually spend a perk point. I have eleven perk points and do not know how to apply a point to a perk, any perk.


Get the Skill you want to add a perk to centered on your screen -like ONE-HANDED WEAPONS. Then click the constellation above the skill. You have to start with perk points at the bottom of the constellation and work up from there as you level the skills. You can use the A and D keys to scroll left or right through the perks until you have the one you want centered -or just use your mouse buttons. If you are up in a constallation for a perk you do not want to advance, I use my mouse wheel rolling down to leave the constellation -but the S key may work as well.


Be careful clicking because once you spend a perk you cannot remove it.

Edited by GMatthews
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Well I know what you mean by the problem if it as simple as what to click on. At the start of using perks I was puzzled as to how to click and get one. To use a perk you click on the "star" itself under the description of the perk, the bright shining star in the constellation. So if you want to start a tree such as Heavy Armour you go to the bottom of the tree and click on the bright star there, and the window asks if you want to spend this perk.


Enjoy spending those eleven perks but choose wisely !


Hope this helps.

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