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Breezehome is one of the areas in the game with horrid swadowing. I think it has something to do with the light object used. When the CK comes out, i'll bet that all of the areas with bad shadows use the same light object.


You can considerably improve the shadows in Breezehome, and completely fix them almost everywhere else, but it will cost you some performance...


Here's what to do; first, set shadow detail to "high". Now open your SkyrimPrefs.ini, and in the "display" section, change the values of these two lines to match the following;





For BlurDeferredShadowMask, a value as low as 3 might do the trick, i think 6 is the highest recognized value. Use the lowest value that still looks good to you, higher values eat more performance.


These lines reset themselves once in a while for me, so remember what values you used, as you will need to redo these tweaks in the future.

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