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Can i upload a bioshock radio station.


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Im currently halfway done with finishing a bioshock radio station. im confused if i can upload it to the nexus because im not sure that it breaks any terms of use or licencing for the music. Any advice can really help, thank you for your time and any support you can give me.

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It sounds like your mod would be copyright violation, unless you've paid for the licenses for each of the song tracks. And assuming that you haven't done so, the Nexus and Bethesda.net will not host the mod because of the copyright violation. Edited by Reneer
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that's an interesting question -

and to hardbake it into FO4 etc, that's probably a no-no.


However, a lot of live-streaming music options do exist.

you can use those in game,

and in theory, with "internet enabled games",

you could have events in the game which play things from a livestreaming service such as

apple, spotify, soundcloud etc.

and, that would be perfectly fine.

it would also play 'ambiently' in game...


here's a hypothetical for you

OEIS now has MIDI files for all known integer sequences.

You could write a code which gets.that.pageref.

that would then play in-game on a radio, and that is perfectly fine apparently,

as it is in keeping with the streaming terms of use as presently worded at time of writing.

You're not only listening to random random 'music',

you're learning about Math too! all while playing FO4...


You may also listen to music streamed at any time, or perhaps which you own on a CD etc,

while playing the game.

that is also perfectly fine,

and many streaming services advertise based on this fact.


EDIT: the Bioshock OST and EP are available on apple and spotify,

several fan covers of each of the songs are available elsewhere also in a playlist that is live-streamable.

Edited by montky
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