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Noob who needs help. I have no idea what I am doing! Game doesn't launch after mods installed.


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I've downloaded NNM got all the mods ready and running and now my game doesn't launch. I will put images in the attached file.


I am trying to run the mod "Alternative Start". I am bored and want to make a new character so I thought it would be a fun mod to start with. I've never used mods before so I wanted to make things easy on myself so I downloaded the mod manager. Everything went fine and I used the steps on wikipedia. Then I downloaded the mod I wanted from the website. Everything went fine. I clicked on the mod and used the green check mark to make sure it was installed and active which it is. Now the game doesn't launch. I relooked at my installation requirements to make sure I have everything and I think I do.


How do I check my patch? I have all the DLC. I downloaded the unofficial skyrim legendary patch thing.


I only have two mods with the other being the unofficial skyrim legendary patch.


The game starts to run, allows me to press the play button, steam says preparing to start up, then it goes back to allowing me to press start again...


Send help! Send Jesus!








Can't get past this





Thank you to anyone who can help.

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I highly suggest watching this video series by Gopher. It is a little old now, but it's still filled with some very good things to know about modding. One of those things is LOOT. Please do not rush ahead in hopes of fixing things quickly. Modding takes a lot of patience, so take your time and you'll be a pro in no time. Good luck.




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