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Kaleen Race and Realistic Leveling


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So I have this problem when I start a new character as a Kaleen race, the level progress bar is stuck at 0%. My skills will level up just fine but the progress bar won't move. I am using Realistic Leveling mod and it works just fine with any other vanilla race, even works with Moon Shadow Elf race mod. I am also using Darnified UI and I overwitten the levelup menu with Realistic Leveling. I've disabled and re enabled both Darn UI and Realistic Leveling to see if that was the problem but it won't fix. It's only affecting my Kaleen race for some reason. So if anyone can help me solve this issue It would be most appreciated.

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Dont worry this is normal. After a certain number of skill gains (maybe 60 skill gains, but I m not 100% sure) the bar will start to move normaly.


That's because, with her current custom stats, realistic leveling considers she is less than level 1 at the beginning.


You can see that everything is ok by using a console command to increase one of your skill. For instance:

player.setav blade 100 (then save, reload, and look at the progress bar).

Edited by bevilex
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