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Help with a easy script.


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I search, many topics about basic scripts for my new home, but i got a big headache tryng to make a script work, mostly, because i'm a newbie -.- (youtube help alot, but in this case, can't find)

Soo, i just want make a Rug become a lay down spot for player, so, i made a activator with a rug as a model but i need a script to make it work and i'm lost. Anyone can guide me or help me?


can't call this a script but

Scriptname teste2 extends ObjectReference

OnActivate(ObjectReference TriggerRef)

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
Debug.sendAnimationEvent(game.getplayer(), "IdleLayDownEnter")

and can't compile ._.

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Scriptname teste2 extends ObjectReference

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference TriggerRef)
    Debug.sendAnimationEvent(game.getplayer(), "IdleLayDownEnter")

Can't guarantee that that will work as I've never scripted for this type of thing before. But it is what makes the most sense given what you tried to use.

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Add in a Wait statement for testing and try the following after.


If your character plays the animation for the specified time and then leaves and is movable without having to jump, you're part way to a solution.


Should it work, you can then use SKSE and register for keys and listen to see if any of the movement keys are pressed, if one is used then run the above line and unregister for keys.

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PlayIdle(IdleStop_Loose) not work for me, soo i made this


Scriptname aaaaLayDown extends ObjectReference

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference TriggerRef)
Debug.sendAnimationEvent(game.getplayer(), "IdleLayDownEnter")
Debug.sendAnimationEvent(game.getplayer(), "IdleForceDefaultState")



and it work

thank you again

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