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Hearthcraft Campfire and Tentapalooza


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Does anyone take the time to experiment with crafting with these mods together? My mind is blown, since I first played fallout 4 I had always said that if skyrim had that level of customization , which leads to another level of immersion and roleplaying, it would be over the top amazing. these people that make these mods are wizards.Sorry for the nonsense post, I'm like a child right now experimenting with this setup.
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I haven't used Hearthcraft, but I have been using Campfire and just recently added Frostfall and Tentapalooza. You're right. They are game changers. If you do any modding, the author of Frostfall and Campfire has created dev kits and tutorials, to allow you to use his mods as a framework for your own. There are links on the mod pages.

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Yeah that's pretty awesome of them, I know nothing of modding, but all these great mods have really been inspiring me to learn. 6 months ago I knew absolutely nothing about pc gaming at all, so I feel pretty good what I have learned already (oldrim and fallout took a lot of troubleshooting to get working correctly )

adds more depth to gaming in general.


I really recommend hearthcraft, the way it works has a great feel to it once you learn how it all works, you can actually make a settlement or just a player house wherever you want, and it all feels very natural

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I tend to cheat a bit in this respect. To keep it at least a little immersive, I don't console command items to myself, but I add them to the merchant and then buy them with my own gold.


If you open console, use the console mouse pointer to click on the merchant. Once you see the merchant's ID number, type




to see what he's got on him, and mainly to make sure you're actually targeting the merchant and not some candle glow between you. Once confirmed, type


help varnish


(or whatever it is named. If one word, no quotes. If two words use quotes. ie: help targe vs help "targe of the blooded")


Get the ID for the varnish you want. Let's say it's 012345 for ease. Use page up/down to scroll the list. Then do


additem 12345 1


to add one of them to the merchant (or additem 12345 100 to give them 100 of them). Then buy all you need. Alternatively, you can skip the console targeting altogether, and use


player.additem 12345 1


instead. I'm hoping, now that skse64 is moving, that someone will be able to port Honed Metal and Order My Items over from Oldrim. Then you can just walk in and ask the merchant to order some for you, for a small fee.

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