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ENB Experts--Please Help Me Solve This Strange Issue ...


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I have an enb that I am using and it is perfect ... but if there is a particularly bright scene, that image will then be superimposed over the rest of the scene, kind of like it has been burned in ... do any of you know what this is and how to fix it?

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You will have to post an image to help people understand what you mean.


ENB's arent always perfect. They require a lot of tweaking and testing on the authors part to get just right.


I like Tetrachromatic for example and use it personally but there are certain weathers/time of day that i just dont like the look of. But 85% of the time i think it looks great.


I would direct questions like these to the mod author and also make sure you arent using any incompatible mods and have installed it correctly.

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