Shade1982 Posted January 28, 2017 Share Posted January 28, 2017 (edited) Hey all, As a follow-up to this: Getting mannequins to equip weapons...Unless you don't want to require users to use a mod like the Vanilla Mannequin Script Fix [VMSF] (which I can understand due to the added poses and stuff), you'll need to edit the MannequinActivatorScript yourself. I suggest using the USLEEP copy as there are corrections to be carried over. Then all you have to do is look for akBaseItem as Armorand change to ((akBaseItem as Armor) || (akBaseItem as Weapon) || (akBaseItem as Ammo)) There may also be an akBaseObject variation of the same as the original script uses OnObjectUnequipped. When I updated the VMSF, I had some reason to swap OnObjectUnequipped out for OnItemRemoved and so there is only the akBaseItem variation on that version of the script. to avoid hijacking someone else's thread. Like the topic says, I've been trying to edit the MannequinActivatorScript so I can also equip weapons on the mannequins with as little change as possible. So far, this is the change I've made according to the advice I got and using similar scripts as examples. Scriptname MannequinActivatorPlusSCRIPT extends Actor import debugimport utility idle Property Pose01 Autoidle Property Pose02 Autoidle Property Pose03 Auto Form Property ArmorSlot01 auto hiddenForm Property ArmorSlot02 auto hiddenForm Property ArmorSlot03 auto hiddenForm Property ArmorSlot04 auto hiddenForm Property ArmorSlot05 auto hiddenForm Property ArmorSlot06 auto hiddenForm Property ArmorSlot07 auto hiddenForm Property ArmorSlot08 auto hiddenForm Property ArmorSlot09 auto hiddenForm Property ArmorSlot10 auto hidden Form Property EmptySlot auto hidden Message Property MannequinActivateMESSAGE Auto{Message that appears upon activating the mannequin} Message Property MannequinArmorWeaponsMESSAGE Auto{Message that appears when you attempt to place a non-armor item} int Property CurrentPose =1 Auto{The pose the Mannequin starts in, and is currently in. DEFAULT = 1} EVENT OnCellLoad() ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Waiting a bit because it's the only way to get code to run in OnCellLoad it seems")wait(0.25) ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Cell is loaded so running OnCellLoad()") ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Enabling my AI so I can play an idle"); self.EnableAI(TRUE) ; While(Is3DLoaded() == FALSE); ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Waiting for my 3d to load"); wait(0.25); EndWhile;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Calling EquipCurrentArmor() Function")EquipCurrentArmor() ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Blocking actors activation")self.BlockActivation() ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Moving to my linked ref")self.EnableAI(TRUE)MoveTo(GetLinkedRef()) ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Checking what pose I should be in and playing the idle"); PlayCurrentPose() ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Waiting for a bit to give myself time to animate to the pose"); wait(0.5) ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Disabling my AI so I'll freeze in place")self.EnableAI(FALSE)EndEVENT EVENT OnEnable();Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Running OnEnable() EVENT")EquipCurrentArmor()endEVENT EVENT OnActivate(ObjectReference TriggerRef);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Showing the acivate menu");int buttonpressed = MannequinActivateMESSAGE.Show(); if buttonpressed == 0;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Player chose to Place Armor"); Player selected to open the Mannequin's InventoryPlayCurrentPose()self.OpenInventory(TRUE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Enabling AI since we are adding an item to the mannequin"); self.EnableAI(TRUE); elseif buttonpressed == 1;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Player chose to Pose the Mannequin"); Player selected to change the pose;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Enabling AI since we are about to play an idle"); self.EnableAI(TRUE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Checking which pose i'm in and playing the next idle/pose"); if CurrentPose == 1; PlayIdle(Pose02); CurrentPose = 2; elseif CurrentPose == 2; PlayIdle(Pose03); CurrentPose = 3; elseif CurrentPose == 3; PlayIdle(Pose01); CurrentPose = 1; endif; elseif buttonpressed == 2;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Player chose to do nothing");do nothing; endif ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Moving to my linked ref")MoveTo(GetLinkedRef()) ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Waiting a second to give me some time to animate to my pose")wait(0.1) ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Disabling my AI so i'll freeze in place")self.EnableAI(FALSE) EndEVENT Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Adding " + akBaseItem + " to the Mannequin") if isEquipable(akBaseItem) ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Form " + akBaseItem + " is armor!")if( !AddToArmorSlot(akBaseItem) )Debug.Notification("Capacity reached or already have one of those.")self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true, akSourceContainer)Elseself.EquipItem(akBaseItem)EndIfelse;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Form " + akBaseItem + " is NOT armor!")MannequinArmorWeaponsMESSAGE.Show()self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true, akSourceContainer)endif endEvent Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer);Trace("DARYL - " + self + akBaseObject + " was unequipped by the Mannequin") if isEquipable(akBaseItem) ; if isEquipable(akBaseObject) ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Form " + akBaseObject + " is armor!")RemoveFromArmorSlot(akBaseItem); RemoveFromArmorSlot(akBaseObject)else;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Form " + akBaseObject + " is NOT armor!")endifendEvent Bool FUNCTION isEquipable(Form akBaseItem) global ;to limit the types of things equippablereturn ((akBaseItem as Armor) || (akBaseItem as Weapon) || (akBaseItem as Ammo))ENDFUNCTION Function PlayCurrentPose()if CurrentPose == 1PlayIdle(Pose01)elseif CurrentPose == 2PlayIdle(Pose02)elseif CurrentPose == 3PlayIdle(Pose03)endifendFunction Function EquipCurrentArmor();Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Attempting to equip current armor")if (ArmorSlot01 != EmptySlot);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Equipping " + ArmorSlot01 + " from Slot 01")self.EquipItem(ArmorSlot01)endifif (ArmorSlot02 != EmptySlot);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Equipping " + ArmorSlot01 + " from Slot 02")self.EquipItem(ArmorSlot02)endifif (ArmorSlot03 != EmptySlot);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Equipping " + ArmorSlot01 + " from Slot 03")self.EquipItem(ArmorSlot03)endifif (ArmorSlot04 != EmptySlot);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Equipping " + ArmorSlot01 + " from Slot 04")self.EquipItem(ArmorSlot04)endifif (ArmorSlot05 != EmptySlot);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Equipping " + ArmorSlot01 + " from Slot 05")self.EquipItem(ArmorSlot05)endifif (ArmorSlot06 != EmptySlot);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Equipping " + ArmorSlot01 + " from Slot 06")self.EquipItem(ArmorSlot06)endifif (ArmorSlot07 != EmptySlot);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Equipping " + ArmorSlot01 + " from Slot 07")self.EquipItem(ArmorSlot07)endifif (ArmorSlot08 != EmptySlot);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Equipping " + ArmorSlot01 + " from Slot 08")self.EquipItem(ArmorSlot08)endifif (ArmorSlot09 != EmptySlot);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Equipping " + ArmorSlot01 + " from Slot 09")self.EquipItem(ArmorSlot09)endifif (ArmorSlot10 != EmptySlot);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Equipping " + ArmorSlot01 + " from Slot 10")self.EquipItem(ArmorSlot10)endifendFunction Function AddToArmorSlot(Form akBaseItem);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Running the AddToArmorSlot Function") bool FoundEmptySlot = FALSE if (ArmorSlot01 == EmptySlot) && (FoundEmptySlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Placing " + akBaseItem + " in armor slot 01")ArmorSlot01 = akBaseItemFoundEmptySlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot02 == EmptySlot) && (FoundEmptySlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Placing " + akBaseItem + " in armor slot 02")ArmorSlot02 = akBaseItemFoundEmptySlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot03 == EmptySlot) && (FoundEmptySlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Placing " + akBaseItem + " in armor slot 03")ArmorSlot03 = akBaseItemFoundEmptySlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot04 == EmptySlot) && (FoundEmptySlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Placing " + akBaseItem + " in armor slot 04")ArmorSlot04 = akBaseItemFoundEmptySlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot05 == EmptySlot) && (FoundEmptySlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Placing " + akBaseItem + " in armor slot 05")ArmorSlot05 = akBaseItemFoundEmptySlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot06 == EmptySlot) && (FoundEmptySlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Placing " + akBaseItem + " in armor slot 06")ArmorSlot06 = akBaseItemFoundEmptySlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot07 == EmptySlot) && (FoundEmptySlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Placing " + akBaseItem + " in armor slot 07")ArmorSlot07 = akBaseItemFoundEmptySlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot08 == EmptySlot) && (FoundEmptySlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Placing " + akBaseItem + " in armor slot 08")ArmorSlot08 = akBaseItemFoundEmptySlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot09 == EmptySlot) && (FoundEmptySlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Placing " + akBaseItem + " in armor slot 09")ArmorSlot09 = akBaseItemFoundEmptySlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot10 == EmptySlot) && (FoundEmptySlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Placing " + akBaseItem + " in armor slot 10")ArmorSlot10 = akBaseItemFoundEmptySlot = TRUEendifFoundEmptySlot = FALSEendFunction Function RemoveFromArmorSlot(Form akBaseItem);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Running the RemoveFromArmorSlot Function") bool FoundMatchingSlot = FALSE if (ArmorSlot01 == akBaseItem) && (FoundMatchingSlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Match Found, Removing " + akBaseItem + " from armor slot 01")ArmorSlot01 = EmptySlotFoundMatchingSlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot02 == akBaseItem) && (FoundMatchingSlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Match Found, Removing " + akBaseItem + " from armor slot 02")ArmorSlot02 = EmptySlotFoundMatchingSlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot03 == akBaseItem) && (FoundMatchingSlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Match Found, Removing " + akBaseItem + " from armor slot 03")ArmorSlot03 = EmptySlotFoundMatchingSlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot04 == akBaseItem) && (FoundMatchingSlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Match Found, Removing " + akBaseItem + " from armor slot 04")ArmorSlot04 = EmptySlotFoundMatchingSlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot05 == akBaseItem) && (FoundMatchingSlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Match Found, Removing " + akBaseItem + " from armor slot 05")ArmorSlot05 = EmptySlotFoundMatchingSlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot06 == akBaseItem) && (FoundMatchingSlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Match Found, Removing " + akBaseItem + " from armor slot 06")ArmorSlot06 = EmptySlotFoundMatchingSlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot07 == akBaseItem) && (FoundMatchingSlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Match Found, Removing " + akBaseItem + " from armor slot 07")ArmorSlot07 = EmptySlotFoundMatchingSlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot08 == akBaseItem) && (FoundMatchingSlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Match Found, Removing " + akBaseItem + " from armor slot 08")ArmorSlot08 = EmptySlotFoundMatchingSlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot09 == akBaseItem) && (FoundMatchingSlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Match Found, Removing " + akBaseItem + " from armor slot 09")ArmorSlot09 = EmptySlotFoundMatchingSlot = TRUEendif if (ArmorSlot10 == akBaseItem) && (FoundMatchingSlot == FALSE);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Match Found, Removing " + akBaseItem + " from armor slot 10")ArmorSlot10 = EmptySlotFoundMatchingSlot = TRUEendif endFunction It's the basic script, with my changes in red. But it doesn't work. Instead, the mannequins now lose all their equipment. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing? Edited January 28, 2017 by Shade1982 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shade1982 Posted January 28, 2017 Author Share Posted January 28, 2017 As an addendum: I know there are already several mods out there that already do something like this. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to isolate this specific part and I don't want to include an entirely different mod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shade1982 Posted January 29, 2017 Author Share Posted January 29, 2017 Well, this is rather disappointing :P... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted January 29, 2017 Share Posted January 29, 2017 Didn't see this thread yesterday. Don't know why. Since you've tried on your own... Try this out, be sure to test on a new game as some things might be baked into the save file.USLEEP version with adjustments to allow weapons and ammo. Please note that I have not tested compilation or function. Scriptname MannequinActivatorSCRIPT extends Actor ;This script has been extensively rewritten for the Unofficial Hearthfire Patch. ; ;No more armor duplication when adding things. ;No more armor that fails to display after being added and returning to the cell later. ;No more wandering about the cell. ;Player cannot accidentally place more on the mannequin than it has slots to hold things for, which would have caused the item to be unrecoverable. ;Cleared out all the junk comments that were making this a nightmare to read and debug. ;Automatically updates all mannequins as they are loaded. import debug import utility idle Property Pose01 Auto idle Property Pose02 Auto idle Property Pose03 Auto Form Property ArmorSlot01 auto hidden Form Property ArmorSlot02 auto hidden Form Property ArmorSlot03 auto hidden Form Property ArmorSlot04 auto hidden Form Property ArmorSlot05 auto hidden Form Property ArmorSlot06 auto hidden Form Property ArmorSlot07 auto hidden Form Property ArmorSlot08 auto hidden Form Property ArmorSlot09 auto hidden Form Property ArmorSlot10 auto hidden Form Property EmptySlot auto hidden Form[] ArmorSlot bool Converted Message Property MannequinActivateMESSAGE Auto {Message that appears upon activating the mannequin} Message Property MannequinArmorWeaponsMESSAGE Auto {Message that appears when you attempt to place a non-armor item} int Property CurrentPose = 1 Auto {The pose the Mannequin starts in, and is currently in. DEFAULT = 1} bool Property bResetOnLoad = FALSE Auto { this should be set to TRUE for mannequins that start disabled and are enabled while the cell is loaded DEFAULT = FALSE } Function ConvertArmorSlots() ArmorSlot = new Form[10] ArmorSlot[0] = ArmorSlot01 ArmorSlot01 = EmptySlot if( !IsDuplicated(ArmorSlot02) ) ArmorSlot[1] = ArmorSlot02 EndIf ArmorSlot02 = EmptySlot if( !IsDuplicated(ArmorSlot03) ) ArmorSlot[2] = ArmorSlot03 EndIf ArmorSlot03 = EmptySlot if( !IsDuplicated(ArmorSlot04) ) ArmorSlot[3] = ArmorSlot04 EndIf ArmorSlot04 = EmptySlot if( !IsDuplicated(ArmorSlot05) ) ArmorSlot[4] = ArmorSlot05 EndIf ArmorSlot05 = EmptySlot if( !IsDuplicated(ArmorSlot06) ) ArmorSlot[5] = ArmorSlot06 EndIf ArmorSlot06 = EmptySlot if( !IsDuplicated(ArmorSlot07) ) ArmorSlot[6] = ArmorSlot07 EndIf ArmorSlot07 = EmptySlot if( !IsDuplicated(ArmorSlot08) ) ArmorSlot[7] = ArmorSlot08 EndIf ArmorSlot08 = EmptySlot if( !IsDuplicated(ArmorSlot09) ) ArmorSlot[8] = ArmorSlot09 EndIf ArmorSlot09 = EmptySlot if( !IsDuplicated(ArmorSlot10) ) ArmorSlot[9] = ArmorSlot10 EndIf ArmorSlot10 = EmptySlot Converted = True EndFunction EVENT OnCellLoad() if( Converted == false ) ConvertArmorSlots() EndIf if IsEnabled() && !bResetOnLoad ResetPosition() endif EndEVENT EVENT OnLoad() if( Converted == false ) ConvertArmorSlots() EndIf if bResetOnLoad ; only do this once - for cases where mannequin is enabled in a loaded cell bResetOnLoad = false ResetPosition() endif endEVENT EVENT OnActivate(ObjectReference TriggerRef) if( Converted == false ) ConvertArmorSlots() EndIf PlayCurrentPose() self.OpenInventory(TRUE) ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Moving to my linked ref") MoveTo(GetLinkedRef()) ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Waiting a second to give me some time to animate to my pose") wait(0.1) ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Disabling my AI so i'll freeze in place") self.EnableAI(FALSE) EndEVENT Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Adding " + akBaseItem + " to the Mannequin") if ((akBaseItem as Armor) || (akBaseItem as Weapon) || (akBaseItem as Ammo)) ;IsharaMeradin -- Adds ability to give weapons and ammo as well as armor and put them into a list to wear ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Form " + akBaseItem + " is armor!") if( !AddToArmorSlot(akBaseItem) ) ;Turn it back if the mannequin has one of these already, or if all the slots are full. self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true, akSourceContainer) ;IsharaMeradin -- changed destination to akSourceContainer from Game.GetPlayer() ; -- Reason, some mods add items to NPCs as tokens and these items might not be usable by the player and will bloat player inventory unnecesary if dumped onto player. Else self.EquipItem(akBaseItem) EndIf else ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Form " + akBaseItem + " is NOT armor!") MannequinArmorWeaponsMESSAGE.Show() self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true, akSourceContainer) ;IsharaMeradin -- changed destination to akSourceContainer from Game.GetPlayer() ; -- Reason, some mods add items to NPCs as tokens and these items might not be usable by the player and will bloat player inventory unnecesary if dumped onto player. endif endEvent Event OnObjectUnequipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference) ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + akBaseObject + " was unequipped by the Mannequin") if ((akBaseObject as Armor) || (akBaseObject as Weapon) || (akBaseObject as Ammo)) ;IsharaMeradin -- Adds ability to remove weapons and ammo as well as armor from list of items to wear ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Form " + akBaseObject + " is armor!") RemoveFromArmorSlot(akBaseObject) else ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Form " + akBaseObject + " is NOT armor!") endif endEvent Function ResetPosition() ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Blocking actors activation") self.BlockActivation() ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Moving to my linked ref") self.EnableAI(TRUE) MoveTo(GetLinkedRef()) ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Calling EquipCurrentArmor() Function") ;Also needs to be enabled and fully loaded before armor equipping can happen while !self.is3DLoaded() endWhile EquipCurrentArmor() ;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Disabling my AI so I'll freeze in place") self.EnableAI(FALSE) endFunction Function PlayCurrentPose() if CurrentPose == 1 PlayIdle(Pose01) elseif CurrentPose == 2 PlayIdle(Pose02) elseif CurrentPose == 3 PlayIdle(Pose03) endif endFunction Function EquipCurrentArmor() UnequipAll() int sn = 0 While( sn < 10 ) if( ArmorSlot[sn] != EmptySlot ) EquipItem(ArmorSlot[sn]) EndIf sn += 1 EndWhile endFunction bool Function IsDuplicated(Form ArmorItem) int sn = 0 while( sn < 10 ) if( ArmorSlot[sn] == ArmorItem ) return true EndIf sn += 1 EndWhile return False EndFunction bool Function AddToArmorSlot(Form akBaseItem) ;First check to see if this is already in a slot if( IsDuplicated(akBaseItem) ) return False EndIf ;Now find an emtpy slot to put it in, if there is one. int sn = 0 while( sn < 10 ) if( ArmorSlot[sn] == EmptySlot ) ArmorSlot[sn] = akBaseItem EquipItem(akBaseItem) return True EndIf sn += 1 EndWhile ;Nope. No room left. return False endFunction Function RemoveFromArmorSlot(Form akBaseItem) ;This loop will also clear duplicates that might have been generated. int sn = 0 while( sn < 10 ) if( ArmorSlot[sn] == akBaseItem ) ArmorSlot[sn] = EmptySlot EndIf sn += 1 EndWhile endFunction FYI - this version can be used without USLEEP and still work as intended. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shade1982 Posted January 29, 2017 Author Share Posted January 29, 2017 (edited) Well, your advice really helped. I had already tried a different version of that script (funnily enough, one of yours apparently), but that didn't work. I found the following issues with my mod:I wasn't testing with a clean save, even though I really thought it was. Apparently, even being in the same world cell as where my indoor cells are linked is still not clean. The script stops working when you try to equip two of the same items. Like in my case, two of the same sword (which was intended as a dual wield configuration). My own script definitely doesn't work like that :P.By the way, for anyone reading this. I am doing this in SSE, and it still works :smile:. Edited January 29, 2017 by Shade1982 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted January 29, 2017 Share Posted January 29, 2017 (edited) I think I see why the script has issues with two items of the same base form. When an item is added that is an armor, ammo or weapon, the AddToArmorSlot function is ran. This function checks to see if the item is already in the list. If it is, it returns false and the item is returned. But because it is the same base and RemoveItem always grabs the first in the stack, the previously equipped item is taken instead of the newly added one. Might be a way to work around it, but you'd have to make sure that the mannequin NPC has the dual wield animations and skeleton to go along with them (they should if you can get your followers to show dual wielded sheathed weapons) Try replacing the AddToArmorSlot function block with the following: Int DW = 0 bool Function AddToArmorSlot(Form akBaseItem) ;First check to see if this is already in a slot if( IsDuplicated(akBaseItem) ) If (akBaseItem as Weapon) && DW == 0 DW = 1 Else return False EndIf EndIf ;Now find an emtpy slot to put it in, if there is one. int sn = 0 while( sn < 10 ) if( ArmorSlot[sn] == EmptySlot ) ArmorSlot[sn] = akBaseItem EquipItem(akBaseItem) return True EndIf sn += 1 EndWhile ;Nope. No room left. return False endFunction What should happen is that the first weapon added will fail the IsDuplicated check and be added to the array of equipped items. Then the second instance will pass the IsDuplicated check and trigger the next check. An integer increases which will prevent trying to equip a third instance on the mannequin. You'll still have the same issue that you have now but it should only happen when adding a third instance rather than the second. Other drawback, without using SKSE it'll accept two of any weapon even tho only one could be displayed. Edited January 29, 2017 by IsharaMeradin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shade1982 Posted January 30, 2017 Author Share Posted January 30, 2017 (edited) Well, that does fix the script stopping when it runs into double items, but it doesn't appear to actually equip the second (or first, I can't really tell of course) weapon. Unfortunately, I've run into another snafu. The dual sheath option requires SKSE, which isn't released for SSE yet. And I just found out SSE has it's own forum and I erroneously assumed both games would be in this forum... So, I guess this is on hold until SKSE64 is released approx. mid-march. Edited January 30, 2017 by Shade1982 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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