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Help with: Pointer value cannot be cast as NumericID : Size bust BSUInt32.


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So, I'm trying my first mod and of course am now looking for help with my inevitable noob problems...


My issue at the moment is that I want to make a Constructible Object Recipe require a player's level to be X or greater.


If I add a Match Condition of


Target = S

Function Name = GetLevel

Function Info = None (Creation Kit doesn't allow any for this function, which I believe makes sense to me)

Comparison = >=

Value = 10.0000


I get the error: Pointer value cannot be cast as NumericID : Size bust BSUInt32.

My understanding is this has something to do with 64bit vs. 32bit - though I could be way off - but I don't understand how to properly make the recipe check the player's level for a specific value or greater.
I also acknowledge I could be using the wrong function too, so I'm happy for any advice. My search results for this only yielded one result in this forum, and Google as a whole wasn't too helpful either.
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This is the first I have heard of this error from a mod that wasn't converted from a 32 bit to a 64 bit. My research and my few mods that have encountered this error suggest that you can safely ignore it, as you have discovered.


Try to create a construct-able object. In a new or old mod, you will get the error. I also got it when I created an ingredient.



Ah, I think I'm figuring out, perhaps I can just safely ignore that error.


I'm going to one man thread this one! :tongue:

I got the same error from them. Even with a new esp.


Edited by Masterofnet
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I have definitely created constructible objects without this error. My research suggests it has to do with condition functions, but only some of them. Not sure if that explains an ingredient though, unless there were conditions on either the effect or the effect entry. Edited by lofgren
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Yes, I also suspect that but I have not tested it. Almost every one of my construct-able objects is getting that error. They do have conditions on them. I am starting to think it has nothing to do with converting the Mod. I am getting this error on test mods that have been created in the 64 bit kit.


BTW - If you do a search about this you will find other people tracking it down to the Construct-able Object Template. They deleted it and the error is gone.

Edited by Masterofnet
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When you are setting up conditions and picking expressions from the drop-list, there is this glitch in the CK that if you don't re-click on the expression, the CK doesn't properly register that you have selected that expression. So even though you "see" the expression text in the condition, the game sees it as "blank" and things stops working correctly. You need to be a little "OCD" and re-click on anything you select in the condition fields to ensure that the CK "sees" your selections correctly. I hope that my explanation makes sense.

Edited by steve40
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Ugh, so I need to go through every condition on every piece of dialogue, every perk, every spell and magic effect, and every constructible object and double click them?

No, just the one which seems to be broken.

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