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water mod is being transparent


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hello there

I have a problem and i tried my best to figure out the problem :/

here is the screen first: https://s27.postimg.org/5a2cos4pf/waterproblem.jpg


The mod I am using is RWT, but the problem is still the same with other mods like pure water

the problem happen when i view the water from that angle.




also a side question, i have 3 skyrimpref ini one inside skyrim folder one in document folder and the last in mod organizer profile folder, i can delete two of them and keep one, and which one should be kept

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The one in your Skyrim folder contains the default values necessary to rebuild your INI files if you ever need to do so. This file should never be modified or deleted. If it has been, verify your game files from Steam.

The one in your documents folder contains settings that you have modified in-game when not running through Mod Organizer. You should keep this as a backup for whenever you want to run the game outside of Mod Organizer.

The one in your Mod Organizer profile is specific to that profile. Any settings changed in-game while running through Mod Organizer will be reflected in this file only. Definitely keep it.


As far as why the water disappears at that angle, I have no idea.

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