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Ren's hair made for TES:IV


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I was just wondering if it is possible to convert the hair meshes from Ren's Beauty pack (made for Oblivion) to work in Skyrim? My gut says it's quite possible, but since I'm not the most adept guy at modding, but rather the one to combine different mods to get a certain result, I'm not sure I'd be able to pull off such a thing.


Thing is, I'm pretty sure this character I've made (http://skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5882) could use a bit of improvement in terms of hair style. Since I'm a bit picky, I haven't been able to find a suitable hair mesh and texture to fit her other than the vanilla.


Oh, and the hair style from Ren's Beauty pack that I'm specifically referring to, is the ponytail one. I'd post a screenshot from my Oblivion game, but all my screenshots inexplicably turn out to be corrupted files no matter what the hell I try.


Any tips, tricks & whatever would be appreciated. As long as it stays coherent, plausible and constructive.


Thanks in advance.

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