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At the End of my Wits: I want a stable game...


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Okay, I have just re-installed skyrim for the 4th time in one week, trying to figure out how to make my game stable. I have fought with skyrim for almost 4 years now, I have not even finished a single story in the game...


So I call upon you folks... How can i make a stable and good game for myself ??


I am currently clearing and re-installing Skyrim and the CK all over, Again ...


So I need suggestions, and what steps to take to keep my game stable and good within the limits of my Computer Specs.




ASUS Desktop M32AD Signature Edition
Processor: Intel ® Core i3-4170 @ 3.70 GHZ
Installed Ram: 8.00 GB
Operating System: 64 bit
Graphics Card: Gigabyte Nvidia GEFORCE GT420, 128 bit, 2GB ram , DDR3
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