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how often should crashes occur with 0 conflicts?


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was getting random crashes, doing different things in different areas. So went through, used F04edit and made sure I had 0 conflicts what so ever. Made sure loot had load order correct, and manually redid a few specific ones. Wrye bash shows 0 issues.


Would mods still cause so many crashes if you literally have 0 conflicts and a good load order?


im talking about crashes every 10-15 mintues.

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Awesome thread title. Zero conflicts should approximate zero crashing...right? Blink. Blink.


If your game does the same thing, Vanilla...Clean Clean Clean INstall...then you probably have issues with hardware>drivers, or malware...


thats what I would think, but im not all that technical with it lol, so I dont want to say 100% that a mod can never cause a crash with 0 conflicts. Def UI caused crashes with Nuka world without conflicts.


just trying to diagnose whats going on. Because crashing every 10-15 minutes from random things just walking about..unplayable. Didn't have any issues few months ago playing vanilla. Spent all weekend modding and making sure everything should been playing nice.


I ask this question because the nature of the crashes..and quite a few mods..turning off mods 1 by 1 doesn't really tell me if that mode was the issue since..can go a while sometimes without crashing.


Just wondering if any other diagnostics I could try

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You'll need to give readers details like load order, latest installed mod, how far you get in the game...what cell did the crash occur? Sometimes the smallest detail gives the greatest hint. As far as diagnostics, you retro-install-go back in the install path and find where/what caused an issue related to a mod. Its as hard as it seems. But, it IS in the details.

Much luck, happy gaming. :)

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brand new game, crashes occur sanctuary, red rocket, concord (as far as I made it).


Happened once in combat fighting mole rats, just walking through sanctuary and concord


only load order I get is that it wasn't sorted this session :smile:


yeah I spent all weekend making sure these things should work..


mostly building mods, home maker and baths..power lines etc but had 0 made buildings., 2k texture mods


Past that only gameplay changes were Realistic bullet overhaul

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Have you tried cleaning each of your mods with FO4EDIT yet? You have to clean out dirty edits or ITMs and fix deleted entries. The CK actually does the dirty edits and other stuff all by itself most of the time but there are some users that delete things from the game world instead of disabling them. Also if you have a mod that changes an area significantly and another mod loaded before or after it that does the same thing to the same area they will fight and mess up stuff but you said you don't have any conflicting things. Most likely a dirty mod or two and some mods change too much like the MF mod it screws up leveled lists so bad that legendary unique guns are all messed up with wrong parts. I had to delete a lot of the leveled lists entries to get it to work right with the game. Any overhaul mod or big change mod you are using might be out of date and needs to be removed or fixed to work correctly. After making sure all your mods are cleaned and up to date and you are still getting crashes then it has to be your computer. Simple thing is do you have a surge protector or batter backup thing aka UPS device? Those things just kinda go bad after a while or they took a few electrical hits that you didn't know about and now it doesn't supply enough power to your computer or interferes with power to computer. Just try running your pc directly from the wall socket for a while and see if it stops crashing. Other than that it is probably virus or spyware fake programs like fake driver updaters or driver detective scam software stuff like that. That stuff creeps in over time just by using popular sites and not blocking ads or getting messed up by facebook scammers and malware scripts on websites.


There is a tool called adwcleaner that works pretty good and if you have windows 7 another tool called combofix you could try running combofix and then adwcleaner if you are on win7 but win8 or later and combofix won't work. After knowing for sure it is not a virus or spyware you could try verifying game cache with steam and if that doesn't work it has to be hardware at that point maybe memory or hard drive going bad most likely memory though.

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Have you tried cleaning each of your mods with FO4EDIT yet? You have to clean out dirty edits or ITMs and fix deleted entries. The CK actually does the dirty edits and other stuff all by itself most of the time but there are some users that delete things from the game world instead of disabling them. Also if you have a mod that changes an area significantly and another mod loaded before or after it that does the same thing to the same area they will fight and mess up stuff but you said you don't have any conflicting things. Most likely a dirty mod or two and some mods change too much like the MF mod it screws up leveled lists so bad that legendary unique guns are all messed up with wrong parts. I had to delete a lot of the leveled lists entries to get it to work right with the game. Any overhaul mod or big change mod you are using might be out of date and needs to be removed or fixed to work correctly. After making sure all your mods are cleaned and up to date and you are still getting crashes then it has to be your computer. Simple thing is do you have a surge protector or batter backup thing aka UPS device? Those things just kinda go bad after a while or they took a few electrical hits that you didn't know about and now it doesn't supply enough power to your computer or interferes with power to computer. Just try running your pc directly from the wall socket for a while and see if it stops crashing. Other than that it is probably virus or spyware fake programs like fake driver updaters or driver detective scam software stuff like that. That stuff creeps in over time just by using popular sites and not blocking ads or getting messed up by facebook scammers and malware scripts on websites.


There is a tool called adwcleaner that works pretty good and if you have windows 7 another tool called combofix you could try running combofix and then adwcleaner if you are on win7 but win8 or later and combofix won't work. After knowing for sure it is not a virus or spyware you could try verifying game cache with steam and if that doesn't work it has to be hardware at that point maybe memory or hard drive going bad most likely memory though.

MF mod?

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OP...just a quick question...are you using a mod called "Beautiful Female Enemies" or something to that effect?

no, nothing that modifies npcs in anyway, not even better settlers or any mod that majorly alters towns like better goodneighbor.


Just basic building mods, homemaker, alternative settlements, settlement keywords

crafting ones, legendary crafting/crafting workbenches/armorsmith with the keywords

only 2 weapon mod which is the plasma arsenal and see through scopes/ auto lowered weapons


Past that its most just asthetics, all the vivid stuff, rocks/trees/landscapes/weather, true storms, 2k weapon textures, old war radio, satellite map, black pip boy, defui/inv and valdecils sorting

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