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Tonilia Will Not Talk to me (not the sold armour bug)


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Tonilia will not initiate any kind of dialogue when i talk to her - she will not fence any goods, i am guild master and I don't want to lose 15-20 hours played just to fix this, but it is annoying. I didn't realise because I was so caught up in the questline. Is there anyway to force her to sell to me or someting, I might have missed some kind of flag ( im on PC so can use console).

Sorry for bad english I am from germany.

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Tonilia will not initiate any kind of dialogue when i talk to her - she will not fence any goods, i am guild master and I don't want to lose 15-20 hours played just to fix this, but it is annoying. I didn't realise because I was so caught up in the questline. Is there anyway to force her to sell to me or someting, I might have missed some kind of flag ( im on PC so can use console).

Sorry for bad english I am from germany.

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  • 1 year later...

I found a mod that does this, "Merchants only reply with Take a Look-10905-1-1.7z"... Not sure if you ever found your reason(s) but I put this here for others who find this thread via a search as I did... I'll send a line to the author and see if they'll fix it...In the mean time if you can't get Tonilia to sell to you with a piece of theives armor in your inventory, and you're running a mod that changes the merchants responses, then it might be that mod. I know that this mod is the culprit, I put it last in my load order and it still messed up Tonilia's respons to sell, everything worked perfect when I unchecked it and ran all of my other mods, no matter the placement in the load order, it repeated the problem each time I ran it...

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