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Porting An Oldrim Mod to SSE


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This was one of my favorite mods in Oldrim: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23798/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D23798%26preview%3D&pUp=1

It's "Change Follower Outfits', it basically just let you go in and have full access to everything a follower has when they're accompanying you. I liked it because it allowed me to change/improve/upgrade a follower's gear to better things without sacrificing their ability to help me carry things.

I tried installing it through NMM to SSE since the requirements of the mods say it only needs Skyrim, no SKSE or SkyUI, etc. however when I attempted to boot up the game after installation it wouldn't run. This is, imo, a small but crucial and helpful mod that the game is lacking. Or at least, that I've been unable to find despite looking through mods fairly regularly.

Is there a modder out there willing to either write a mod similar to this one or make the old one compatible with SSE? It would be greatly appreciated. If there is already a version of this that I have not found please let me know, thanks.

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It doesn't work with the Special Edition because it uses a .esp file. If you want to convert yourself for personal use you just need to download the mod archive and load it into NMM and activate it. From there you use the Creation Kit (the one for the Special Edition you can get from Bethesda.net) and open the .esp and its Master files inside the CK itself. From there you just need to hit save once, and then back out of the CK. The mod should work just fine after that. There are no public permissions in regards to that mod though so you would need to ensure it is strictly for personal use.


That or you could wait for the day the Mod Author eventually ports it over. They said they have no intentions of letting anyone officially port their mods, but they will eventually get around to it themselves at some unknown time in the future.

Edited by DaddyDirection
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Just to get it a little more difficult.

What if that esp depends on some patch no longer in use with SE?

i found miself trying a mod supposedly with no dependecies and got an error in LOOT asking for the ULE patch from oldrim.

When i try and do something in SSEEdit it gives me an error requiring the patch.

I saw somewhere people copying ine of their DLC's renaming and loading them in SSEEdit as a way to surpass a similar error. would this work for me?

The mod Is called Quest categorization in Oldrim. Still waiting for an answer from the mod's author, he did go and check messages and answered someone with a similar question to mine but ignored me.

Think that would be a good improvement to SE players who just can't resist accepting every job people have to give them :)

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Are you talking about the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch? If so that does have a Special Edition counterpart - it might just solve your problem. If not then I would have to think a bit on how to fix that. I think Arthmoor had a guide on how to point your mod to the new patch when the Legendary version was first released, and people were curious what would happen to all of the older mods that required the USKP as a master.

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