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Reduced Fire/lighting/shadows Please?


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I know it's odd to see requests for /lower/ graphical quality, but I've tried all of the tricks, tips and mods that I've found here on nexus to get a better framerate out of my rig and nothing seems to do the trick.


I've noticed in particular that areas with a lot of fires and flickery lighting/shadow effects (like the Ragged Flagon, and the Dawnstar Sanctuary) really murder my framerate. Usually I can cruise along in moderate comfort in the high teens to low twenties, but single digits are not uncommon in places like the Ragged Flagon, and even in areas of some dungeons.


So, I'm wondering if there's a way to simplify whatever voodoo is going on to produce those lovely fire effects so that it's a little easier on my crappy video card. If some clever spark out there can mod away my troubles, I'd be greatly in your debt! :D

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If your rig is struggling to get 20 frames per second, you'd probably be better off disabling shadows completely instead of reducing the quality. I believe there are a lot of .ini tweaks that you could use to remove a lot of the fps drainers in the game, but I'm no expert on doing that.
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If your rig is struggling to get 20 frames per second, you'd probably be better off disabling shadows completely instead of reducing the quality. I believe there are a lot of .ini tweaks that you could use to remove a lot of the fps drainers in the game, but I'm no expert on doing that.



Actually, I tried that and didn't see a significant improvement. I think that most of my problem is with the fire itself. Thanks for the tip, though.

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