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Custom weapon CTD's game when switching


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Hey all,


I just found out SSE has it's own forum. I have been posting in the old Skyrim forums :P.


I have a rather odd issue. I have created a set of custom weapons for myself. However, one of them, the bow, has the tendency to crash my game when I switch it. The issue seems to be worse when I use the favorites menu. I have checked the weapon object, the weapon static object, the enchantment, the references in the nif file and the corresponding texture files. As far as I can tell, there is nothing wrong.


Is there any way, like an error log file, I can check to see what exactly causes the crash?

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Run the model through Nifscan. The SSE version can tell u in detail what's wrong with it .

That was a good idea, but unfortunately no errors showed up :(


Nothing but:


Block [6]: Redundant all white #FFFFFFFF vertex colors
Block [11]: Redundant all white #FFFFFFFF vertex colors
Block [13]: Redundant all white #FFFFFFFF vertex colors
Block [5]: Redundant all white #FFFFFFFF vertex colors
Block [10]: Redundant all white #FFFFFFFF vertex colors
Block [12]: Redundant all white #FFFFFFFF vertex colors
But that seems rather normal, since my other files give the same message.
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