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Player activated kneeling or praying marker?


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Wondering if there is a simple way to make this work? If not with the Furniture Markers can you do it with Idle Markers?


I've found the Furniture Marker:




...but can't figure out how to activate it once placed.


I tried using a pillow mesh as the Marker Model but it doesn't appear in game (initially disabled isn't checked).


These forums have been extremely helpful...hoping for one more bit of help.



Edited by Rayek
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You do an activator, place a script on it to play an idle when the player activates it.

Lookup OnActivate and PlayIdle here http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=papyrus

You'll also have to DisablePlayerControls, Wait a second for the sheath animation, then EnablePlayerControls after the idle is done.



I'm assuming this is in reference to the Idle Markers? Are Furniture Markers like KneelingMarker the same and need a script added?

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Basically, you're forcing the player to directly play whatever animation you want them to play. In the Idle properties, you'll find a whole bunch of actions you can make the player do.


Edit: You might also want to ForceThirdPerson while the animation plays as well.

Edited by Di0nysys
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Thanks @Di0nysys.


I have a better understanding of the basis now which is:


Place Activator

Add Script to the placed Activator that:

  • Allows time for sheathing a weapon if drawn
  • Takes control of the player
  • Forces person to 3rd person
  • PlaysIdle
  • Returns control to the player

Probably simple to some...but I've created exactly two enable/disable scripts thus far, so it's a bit above my understanding at the moment.


Was hoping it was as simple as adding an activator to the KneelingMarker or something along those lines.


Will revisit when I get a little further along and have more time.


Again, appreciate the info!

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If you want the player to use some otherwise invisible furniture you might be able to make a copy of the furniture item (so you aren't changing the original) and then assign the copy a name. The player can only interact with named objects and many of the furniture markers are set up without a name so the player doesn't see them.


You can also just set up an activator primitive box (with a name) and link it to the furniture or use a script to activate the furniture. Check out the Icewater Jetty from Dawnguard (DLC1VCBoatDoorActivator1) to see how Bethesda uses that technique (they are activating a door, but you can activate furniture too). Elianora also uses activators in many of her house mods to give custom names to things if you want to see how she does it.

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Thanks for the tips @cdcooley.


I'll try the naming approach, that's a good thought. I had forgotten if it doesn't have a name it won't work.


Also going to fool around with the keywords or Active Marker selections.


I am familiar with Activators...have put up several in my current expansion mod. Might fool around with a bit more with that as well.


The scripting part is where I have the problem.


I get the logic...just don't know the correct calls and titles to use for playidle...and such.


Appreciate the help...you've given me a few more things to try.


EDIT: No luck with naming the Furniture Markers like KneelingMarker...Active Markers haven't changed anything either. Will play some more.

Edited by Rayek
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  • 2 weeks later...

To use a furniture marker as a player activatable prayer marker is really quite easy.
No scripts required at all.
Here's a prayhere.nif (saves farting around):

Extract it to your Data\Meshes\ directory.

1. Open the vanilla Object Window -> WorldObjects -> Furniture -> PrayCrouchedMarker.
2. Give it a new ID Name... eg: PrayHereMarker
3. Give it a new display Name... eg: Pray Here
4. Set the Model Path to: \prayhere.nif

5. Set the Marker Model Path to: \prayhere.nif

6. UNCHECK IsMarker.
7. Add Keyword: FurnitureForce3rdPerson
8. Click Ok and Yes create new form when prompted.

Your done.



If your wondering what's different about the PreyHere.nif I provided...
It has bhkCollision block with the havok layers set as NONCOLLIDABLE, which means you can now activate the model and you can still walk through the collision so it doesn't block your path.

Edited by sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE
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