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Difficulty making more difficulty


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I accidentally forgot to get anything in the tutorial in Oblivion by no clipping through it (I really wanted to test the mods I had installed, since they seemed really interesting) and once I got to the outside world I realized how screwed I was, since I had no gold, no armor, and no levels. I realized how fun/challenging it would be, but then realized I had forgotten the amulet of kings, so couldn't progress the story.I also couldn't get the free horse, and since one of the mods removed the cities from being rediscovered, I just kinda gave up on that save. I wanted to raise the difficulty even more (because I'm somewhat masochistic) so I want to skip getting a class and birthsign, while still getting the first quest, so my question is this: is there a command that can make it so the emperor will not force me to have a birthsign before he gives me the amulet? I can skip the class just by getting out of there before Baurus talks to me, but to progress the tutorial I need to skip the emperor talking to me.

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I found getstage <questID> and setstage <questID> <stage> commands, so I think I just need to find the questID of the tutorial, then set the stage to after you select a birthsign. you can definitely skip the class, because noclip allows you to not talk to Baurus after the emperor gives you the amulet. Or I can just set the deliver the amulet quest to accepted after no clipping past the tutorial.

Edited by SeabassJroam
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infact I just found them

Tutorial id: MQ01

Deliver the amulet: MQ02

Id recommend just no clipping and unlocking through the tutorial, then just doing setstage mq02 10

it gives you deliver the amulet, and you can walk through the door of the sewers without picking a birthsign or class. Raise the difficulty to max and bam: Extreme masochism mode.

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