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more armor slots


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Anyone else miss the ability to have left pauldron/right pauldron, same with gloves... and a shirt under your armor and a robe over the top... it used to be 8 bits of gear + clothing... now its 4 and no clothing...


i would LOVE morrowinds gear customization back. i used to love finding a left pauldron then spending days trying to get another one to match it. skyrim is great and all, but the armor bores me


are there any epic modders out there willing to take on this challenge? as much as i know it involves a lot of game changing needed, i still think this would make for one of the best mods around

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Agreed, I *MISS* the greaves (leg armor) and the pauldrons (shoulder armor).


In fact... in my own "big list" thread... I mentioned the greaves, but forgot to mention the pauldrons, d'oh.


As it is... couldn't you wear *TWO* rings in Morrowind?!?!?





Not to mention... it might be cool to see "bracelets of power" as well. Or even broaches/medals (I'm stealing that from UItima V, heheh.... I loves me da Lord British!)

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