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which mods to add


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Can anyone advise the best mods to get for skyrim

I'm in the process of building a new pc and the spec should just about give me enough for ultra high settings

I'm putting together an i7 2700k overclocked to about 4.5ghz 8gb of ram and a 1.5gb nividia gtx580 running on a 1920x 1080 screen

I would like to get the best look of scenery/water,sky that i can so mods along that line would be greatly appreciated

I'm only about a 1/3rd the way through the game and have stopped playing until i make this system so i can fully appreciate the game in all its glory

cheers all

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Well there are a bunch of mods which will make Skyrim look much better than what was released (a.k.a vanilla)


Here are my favorites:

*NOTE* Some mods may not play nice together so check the compatibility between them before installing.


Skyrim HD 2K Textures by NebuLa



TESV Acceleration Layer by Arisu et al.


(This one requires the SKyrim Script Extender (SKSE) to work)

Latests SKSE can be found at http://skse.silverlock.org/


Realistic Water Textures by isoku



Quality World Map with Roads by IcePenguin



Realistic Lighting without Post-Processing by 747823 and Pluto



Enhanced Shaders by Tapioks



Enhanced Blood Textures by dDefinder



Improved High Res NPC Clothing by BaronDavid



Flora Overhaul by vurt



And the latest one that I'm planning on installing when I get the time

SkyBoost by Alexander Blade


Edited by ACSputnik
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Also I recommend you track the files you install so that you can stay on top of updates, bug fixes, and new version releases.

You can do this by clicking the binoculars in the "Action" section right above the green download/endorse/vote buttons.


Hope this helps



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If there were a set of 'best' mods, you would think they would also be the most popular. Because those are the ones that most people like. And if they were the most popular and thus most liked, they would probably be the ones in the top 100 list. :rolleyes:


However, everyone has at least a few that are personal favorites that have just not quite made the top 100. You will probably see some of those posted in this thread (along with a lot of top 100 mods)


My advice, check out the top 100 first, then try to find a few that didn't make the list, but make changes you would like to see in the game. Look in the categories and try the tag search.

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