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transparency antialiasing problem


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hey guys,


at first sorry for my bad english but i hope, someone can help me. after a longer time i installed fo3 (the game of the year edition) on my new hardwareupdated pc (i2600, 16gb ram1600, gtx460). the game runs well in the best settings but ... there is a problem with the transparency antialiasing.


the grass and the bushes sometimes begin to flicker and glimmer. 1)only in the first-person-view, 2)most if the looking angle is a little bit to the ground, and 3) i think it´s also important which angle and contrast has the sunlight.


i tried several settings, but i can´t find a solution. i hope you can help me because the game looks much better (in my opinion) when the grass an the bushes have those soft and lightly borders from the transparency antialiasing ...



hopeful regards

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first time i hav´nt installed the nvidia-inspector. today, thinking about the problem, i installed it, without change any settings. after your reply i found three ambient occlusion parameters. i think the interesting things are the "setting" (was OFF) and the "usage" (was ENABLED). i change the last to DISABLED and also back again. no difference was to find. but after these procedure it seems like there was changed anything, because the problematic effect is (temporary?) gone. i don´t post screens, because the problematic effect is´nt shown on the screens. in the past i tried a screenvid with fraps to show the effect, but even if i start the hotkey, the flicker and glimmer effect is gone.


anyway, i´m an old man and know, that things happen and it´s not possible to know everything ... also in computering.


thank you for the ask, if you have any idea post it again.



Edited by taurielnath
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