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Anyone else find it ironic?


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of course not, since you can complete the main quest BEFORE or AFTER the civil war. would not make sense if it was scripted to him to interfere but you already had him killed, also im sure both parties would ally against a threat like that, therefore you argument is invalid


I tend to agree with this. The lack of involvement in the Civil War is a gameplay system rather than a story one. Because Alduin's power is directly linked to how many souls he can consume, but those in the Mead Hall of Sovengarde are apparently safe, its in Alduin'd best interest to keep the civil war going as long as possible. Argueing that he doesn't communicate with Humans is also irrelivent, because he's clearly intelegent and it would be impossible for him to fail to notice all the men killing eachother. Whether he understands or even cares about the politics involved, keeping the fighting ongoing beneifits him.

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Not sure killing Ulfric would end the civil war. Could had made him into martyr. Execution without trial might had stoked more flames.


Consider the fact that the Thalmor's dossier on him listed him as an asset. So why are they now suddenly wanting him killed by execution? They could've had him killed during the capturing of him, which would had been just him losing on the battlefield or held him for trial, but those two things would had helped the Empire. Yet capturing him and then dragging him to a beheading without any trial or public hearing would probably enrage any rebels and might turn those sitting on the fence.

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"* After coming out of the time whirl just been mad and attacked the next town at the throat of the world (its pretty close to helgen)""


This is what i assumed, and that he does not know who you are. Since later when you meet again, He makes fun of you for not understanding him (even thou its said in English, as if you understood him) and then flys off.


He doesn't seem to know who you are (or really care) intill Rend part of quests.

Alduin is pretty much having a Sephiroth moment thru out game... lol.

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I go with the solution that requires no additional stuff to be made up to accomodate it. Which is that Alduin is a malicious, murderous destroyer and dominator who will land specifically to roast a wounded, already dying man in front of his child, and decided to destroy Helgen because he wanted to. In the process, he inadvertantly saved the Dragonborn and allowed the prophesy of the Elder Scrolls to come true.


Sorry if that isn't pointlessly intricate enough for people. I could create a needless and obfuscating hypothesis that makes Helgen into a nexus of magical energy, capable of restoring the fabled six Dragon Paladins to life, who would defeat Alduin, purify dragons of their evil, base natures and destroy the Thalmor, ushering in a beautiful world of love, peace and ashen fields of Altmer remains. Alduin did this to prevent mortals discovering this mighty power, because he wouldn't want the return of his six DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN! BROTHERS AND SISTERS! OMFG!


Massive evil dragon burns down village he comes across. Fabled hero escapes the carnage. They couldn't have made this more simplistic and cliche if they tried. Literally, they couldn't. This stuff even turns up in TVTropes.


I suppose then that you would explain why Alduin won't engage Dovakiin in combat at other points in the game is just for show, so the show can go on?


Remember with Delphine and the burial ground? There are other times, too, if you happen to be at the right burial ground at the right time, you'll catch him resurrecting another dragon, but he flies off leaving the other dragon to fight you.


He'll leave you alone when he goes resurrecting dragons simply so when the time is right and he can / does / tries to kill you, you have abosorbed several dragons worth of energy (provided you dont rush straight to dragonrend and then loose the fight) and so are much more powerful for the wait and he can simply use the power to resurect the dragons you killed... IE give them their souls back once he has reaped them from you.


TBQH i think this screenshot sums up Alduin's mind set quite nicely: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048376182/screenshot/649872251745246816 as a 'wtf' type moment.. Or he could just be eyeing you up seeing if you are bothered being that close to the dragon. Anyone else noticed that he nicely provides an escape route for you from that tower as well btw?

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he knew dragonborn was there.he is indeed staring u when u were about to lose ur head and also when was running with hadvar i am pretty sure i heard the word dovakin from alduin.he was looking for u because u were the only one to stop him.the real irony is that i managed to go at all the resurections made from alduin ( that map from delphine was useful) and he never stops to attack u.a logic guy ( or at this case a dragon) would think : what the hell lets kill him now.
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If we're going to presume that Alduin wasn't just randomly attacking Helgen, then one could reason that he could sense the Dragonborn. After all, how else would Alduin know who you are when you go to Kynesgrove? He only sees you when you're at Helgen, and then he couldn't have known you were the Dragonborn (unless he could sense that you were) as you were just a random peasant about to be executed. He doesn't see you again until Kynesgrove, unless you happen to run into him raising dragons from the mounds, but I don't even think he does that until after Kynesgrove.


Personally I think if someone made some headway towards translating all of Alduins dialogue throughout the game (he apparently does speak during Helgen) it might shed some light on things.

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I take them as the 'me' and the 'other me'. Sounds both simple and strange. However, we know that it is possible to get rid of the 'other me' (the devil in you), but once the 'me' has lost his head, by means of whatever, the 'other me' can't hardly exist any longer, it dies with you, it has to cos it is part of you. In this way I understand the intro. Both 'me's get separated and equipped with a different look and a different appearance to strengthen the fundamental differences in the characters, it's the battle of good vs evil - within. If not, well, then I take it as given and continue playing. Edited by DeTomaso
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I think Alduin knew you were the Dragonborn. He came to Helgen almost immediately after coming back into time so he obviously had a reason to attack. I think the reason he didn't follow you around and try to finish you off is because after seeing you, he decided that you were too weak to ever fight him. He continued killing everyone because he's a dragon that knows nothing but destruction. Only when you learned Dragonrend did he realise that you were actually strong enough to defeat him and so he attacked you to try and kill you before you could master Dragonrend. Then you defeated him. After this he tried to stay away from you and destroy the world without having to fight you again, in case you'd kill him. While he was destroying the world, he decided to have dinner in Sovngarde, a place that you shouldn't have been able to go to. Sadly for him, Odahviing betrayed him and brought you to Sovngarde. And, he actually did follow you into the tower but he probably didn't know there was an underground tunnel or where it went to. That didn't matter to him though, he had just found out that you were to weak to find him. Edited by shotgun188
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