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Help! Dreaded "T" pose and FNIS not working!


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Note: This is for SSE not Original Skyrim!
Alright so everything was going fine till yesterday when I added some files for 1H Swords animations on my characters back. (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26800/?)
I followed all instructions and all was going fine, all animations were working properly and looked great for hours, until I started the Blades quest line and boom... everyone, all npcs, my followers even my own character is stuck in the "T" pose...

Heres what I have done to diagnose the problem:
disabling mods/enabling mods

going in and removing the files I added for the 1H Sword animations

I deleted everything, and installed my back-up folder from a few days ago that I know for a fact works, and STILL had problems!
Actively updating mod load order via LOOT

using the FNIS Generator for Users & triple checked the directions as explained here - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/540/?
Reinstalled game from steam, & deleted all folders in the Steamapps/Common directory.


After my reinstall, everything looked great so I tried the 1H Sword files one more time... and everyone becomes Mr.T... no wait this time.

I am 98% positive my problems now have something to do with the FNIS Generator triggered by the 1H Sword animations.

Here is why:
Even before I installed the 1H Sword animations, FNIS gives me odd messages...
FNIS begins after a reinstall to tell me I have "0animations for 0 mods successfully included (character)" but I have my patches checked, my mods checked on NMM and I have double checked to make sure the mods in question where installed in the proper folders.
FNIS now tells me I have "94 animations for 3 mods successfully included (character)" I dont know the exact number but I think it was in the 400's when it was working properly.

Sooooo.... for whatever reason FNIS isnt picking up all the animations or patches.

I have followed all directions to the "T"(pun intended), I have double and triple checked everything... Im just at a total loss now on how to fix this.

Mods I believe could be conflicting or might help diagnose the issue:
FNIS Behaviors & Spells
Immersive Animations
Pretty Female Idles
Realistic Ragdolls & Force

Bowlegged jump animation fix

Any help, advice or troubleshooting ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Edited by Eolian86
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