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Editing AI Packages in the CS causes crash


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I've been trying every remedy I can think of... and nothing seems to fix this.


The only interaction I can have with the AI Packages panel (in either the main window, or on the npcs') is adding a new entry to a blank page. All other actions result in a crash. Even right-clicking on the window if it already has AI packages listed causes a crash.


I've tried reinstalling, changing the directory (as best I can, since I'm using the Steam version), and all the recommended UAC tweaks (I don't think UAC has anything to do with this, though). I've tried the CS Extender... and it doesn't matter how I load it, with OBSE, without OBSE, with OBSE through Wrye Bash... nothing stops it from crashing.


In all other respects (including world rendering) it works fine.


I also tried installing the old CS 1.0 ... interestingly, that version is crash-free. I don't suppose there's a way to get the old CS to load the new ESM?


Any thoughts, tips, anything is appreciated.



Win 7 Pro x64

4 gb RAM


Radeon 4870 1 GB

Steam version of Oblivion/OBSE (no issues whatsoever)

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Reading between the lines I'm going to assume your Steam install is in C:\Program Files (x86). If you want to get Steam and Oblivion out from under all the problems that stem from being located there have a look at Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure. Take note of the link near the top of the page regarding moving your Steam installation, and don't skip the step on cleaning your registry.
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Yes... I've seen that page before. However, I thought that since CS 1.0 works fine and CS 1.2 doesn't that means it's not a problem with the directory. I thought, if anything, the older .exe would be more likely to have Win7 directory troubles. Am I wrong? Edited by ti1706
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The C:\Program Files (x86) thing may or may not be at the root of the problem. I seem to recall something about some people having trouble with editing AI packages where most don't as being some random unluckiness (i.e. unexplainable problem). When I'm troubleshooting problems here at the Striker mansion I try to eliminate all the possible causes that are correctable before I throw in the towel and say "Act of God". It's a well documented thing that having the game installed in C:\Program Files (x86) does not lead to the simplest, least bumpy road you can travel. Your mileage may differ.
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You'll need the game installed before the Construction Set will work. Don't skip the registry cleaning step ... left overs in your registry will just confuse the CS. Did you actually mean the double backslash there or is it really C:\Steam\Oblivion?
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C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\oblivion is it's current installation directory.


Heh, I haven't uninstalled Oblivion, yet... I was hoping just reinstalling Steam and its files in a different directory might work.


Seems not, though... so I'm going to continue with the guide to remove Oblivion itself.


(and yes, I cleaned the registry... I'm a medium-long-time CCleaner user)

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Like I said at the outset, maybe it will help, maybe not. At the very least you will have the game (and Steam) installed outside of UAC interference, and you will be able to cross one more thing off the possible causes list.
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