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Very Loud Indoor Rain


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I've had this issue for a while now and I'm finally fed up with dealing with it. The problem is, when it's raining and I go into a building (inn, house, Dragonreach, etc.) the rain plays indoors. It plays very loudly and like I'm standing outside in it when I'm obviously not. And it's weird when it plays like it's suppose to (muffled and sounding like it's hitting the roof) one time, and then the next it's destroying my ears and playing the wrong sound. I'm fairly certain it's a mod, but I don't know which one. For weather, I use Pure Weather, and I use Real Shelter if that happens to contribute to this issue. Other than that, I don't know what to do about this.

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Make sure your RS Patch is the very last in your load order and is updated?

Yeah, it's where it's supposed to be and updated. If this issue was consistent, then I might have an easier time tracking down the problem, but it's not. I'll walk into a home, the sound plays normally; walk into Dragonsreach, get the loud outside rain; reload the game, get the normal indoor rain sound. This inconsistency makes it tough to figure out what's causing it.

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