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Armor part removal


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Sorry to bother you, but I'm struggling with finding out how to remove a part of an armor.

To be specific I'd love to remove the huge shoulder-pads away from the Daedric armor.


currently using http://skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3104 mod for the daedric armor, it's a huge improvement. I just always wanted that armor without the huge shoulder-pads.

if anyone can link me a tutorial and / or tell me what tools I need to do this I'd be very thankful.


Tried removing the shoulder-pads with Nifskope, couldn't do it. I don't know if I'm missing something or if I need to use a different, or an additional tool. Really don't know what I'm doing to be honest.

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The way i removed the shoulders on the savior's hide is by unpacking the texture and simply erasing the shoulder part. That way they are still there, simply invisible, and that's good enough for me.


Used the program gimp whit the dds plugin to do so, quite simple once you know how in fact.

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