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Ring of Namira Not Working - Can't Eat People


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As the topic and description say, I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how I'm supposed to feast with Namira's ring. With the ring equipped, crouching and selecting them gives me no option, there's no power available with which I may munch on dead bodies... At this point, the only part of it that is working is the part that gives me 50 Stamina... Unfortunately, I seem to be the only one having this problem, as Google Searches have only turned up inquiries (which I have read over), but the suggestions do not work. Anyone else having this problem or am I just doing this whole cannibalism thing wrong?
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Are you sure you crouch/sneak to consume as I thought you had to NOT do this to get the option to EAT/CONSUME dead bodies.


Tried sneak to consume. Didn't work.

Looked for an option outside of that to eat a dead bandit, like a standing option. Nothing.

Looked for a power that I perhaps would have had to use that the ring would have granted me. Nothing.


The only option I have with dead bodies is to just loot them.


Not sure what I'm missing here.

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  • 1 month later...

I have exactly the same problem. Although I have unlimited ring mod, I tried to remove all my rings and deactivate the mod and load game again, still doesn't work.


BTW I never try feed by the power from Ring of Namira since I got it and I just remember to use that after I complete Ring of Hircine quest, and found it won't work, don't know if this is the cause.

Edited by seti
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  • 3 weeks later...
I had the same issue but just fixed it. I typed in the console command player.addperk 000ee5c3 this gives you the cannibalism perk that the ring of Namira would give you but without needing the ring. After i used the command i had the option of looting or feeding. I hope this helped.
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  • 6 months later...

I have a similar problem. There is no option to feed on corpses and the health regeneration bonus applies all the time... without feeding.

This is the first time obtained the ring in Dawnguard... so it might be related.

Did anyone found a way to fix the ring?

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