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Getting Back Into Skyrim: Vanilla or SE?


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after quite a while I want to once again sink endless hours into Skyrim and, of course, mod the s*** out of it. I don't want to go super crazy with it but I'm thinking of adding as many graphical enhancements as my PC can handle, plus some additional content here and there, as well as a bunch of quality of life improvements. Should I return to the Vanilla Edition with its huge library of mods or is everything essential already available for the SE, and I should just go for that because of the better technology in that version?

Thanks for your help,


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I think it is kind of a toss-up right now. While original Skyrim has the vast majority of mods, Skyrim SE seems to be easier to mod with some of the bugs taken out. Until the script extender for Skyrim SE is done, I would stick with Old-Rim. :smile:

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