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Sitting Issue


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Have a look in the Bugs section of these two pages ... The Ultimate Heist and Umaril the Unfeathered (quest).


Note that in each the best recommendation is to use the Unofficial DLC Patches. Also note that in the Umrail page's Bugs section it gives very specific instructions on something to try (don't miss the part about waiting ten seconds).

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i tried the instructions i wait till third person ended then waited 10-15 secs then back to third person so i can see if it fixed it and nothing happened (by third person i mean activate the chair to sit and get out)

Edit: i think its KOTN because i went on a save at this point in the thieves guild http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Taking_Care_of_Lex and same thing

Edit: it is KOTN i disabled it and poof i can sit now the question is if i do the Knights Story again is there a way where i can prevent the sit glitch/bug from occurring again?

Edited by Alfarese
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All I can suggest is to install the UOP and Unofficial DLC Patches before you start the KotN quest ... as far as I know that is the only way to prevent it from happening (all the other suggestions are to try to fix it after it has already affected your character).


And just so you're clear on this ... the fix suggested where you go into 1st person mode, attempt to sit, don't touch a thing on your mouse or keyboard, wait ten seconds and then allow the game to go back into 1st person mode (i.e. you don't switch modes, the game switches modes as the animation plays, or doesn't play), then get up from the chair in 1st person mode, allow the game to cycle through 3rd person and leave you back at 1st person mode. If you don't wind up back in 1st person mode then that "fix" isn't helping you (at least the way I read the instructions ... never had this glitch as now I use the UOPs and before that I didn't have the DLCs loaded for those characters).

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