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Any Word On The Creation Kit?


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New video and post on Bethblog showcasing the Creation Kit.


Steam Workshop: Skyrim Mods


EDIT: Very excited for the scene and dialogue UML style diagrams. I was using freeware mind mapping software (such as FreeMind) to map NPC dialogue for my mod but this will definitely save me a lot of time.

Edited by Enter_77
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Well at least that video clearly confirms


(a) That the ruddy thing exists, so GIVE IT TO US NOW! Teasers.

(b) That you really can save your plugin without it going up to Steam Workshop.


Modders, support Nexus and ignore the Steam Workshop.

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Can't wait to see what mods they'll make with it. I might even make something myself although I've never moded before :dance:


edit: Why ignore the Steam Workshop? Why not upload to both?

Edited by babis8142
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Modders, support Nexus and ignore the Steam Workshop.


As much as i love the Nexus, that stance could do more damage than good. It's widely beleived that the reason they are using the Steamworkshop in the first place is to show the strength of the modding community, and to show that the mod content can both be regulated without compromising content and creativity, and facilitated in such a way as to encourage its expansion. All of this, of course, to open up legal negotiations with Microsoft and Sony to get the rights to allow mods to be downloaded onto Consoles. IF (its all, as of yet, uncomfirmed) this is the case, supporting the Nexus in totality and ignoring Steamworkshop altogether would actually hurt the community in that it's promoting stagnation rather than expansion.


Hopefully there won't be a 'We own your mod' clause in the EULA, so you can put it up here as well as on Steamworkshop, thus getting the best of both worlds.

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Can't wait to see what mods they'll make with it. I might even make something myself although I've never moded before :dance:


edit: Why ignore the Steam Workshop? Why not upload to both?


It basically boils down to a confusion and lack of trust regarding the contract details with "Skyrim Workshop" and the CK. Many people believe, with some logic, that they are not in a position to understand all the ramifications of licenses that they agree to when they click "accept" when installing the software, and believe that they are going to in some way require other people to pay for their mods, or will have Steam or Bethesda making money off their work without any recompense.

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New video and post on Bethblog showcasing the Creation Kit.


Steam Workshop: Skyrim Mods


EDIT: Very excited for the scene and dialogue UML style diagrams. I was using freeware mind mapping software (such as FreeMind) to map NPC dialogue for my mod but this will definitely save me a lot of time.


They did this to safe face. A little too late all I can say is a weak yay... (tough somewhat interesting) Mid January it would be a good.

The should have done this sooner rather a panic effort (which may or not be the case) as their passed their promised date and that Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning is around the corner.


I think many are taking the wait and see approach...

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