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Any Word On The Creation Kit?


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i fear this is a marketing ploy by them. to sell something like that cannot be modded, who wants to buy?

but to sell something like that with promise of 'free modding that even newbie can do', it gives people lots of dreams and attract buyers.


in the end , people will simply get tired of waiting, forget it and move on. yeah, they can even fire the designers amd use it as an excuse it cannot be released.

Edited by woopypooky
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No offense, but baseless paranoia. Why would they do that? They would get absolutely no benefit from failing to release the Creation Kit and it would sour a significant portion of their player base. It would ruin their credibility and, in doing so, their sales.


It's not even the end of the month. Chill.

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good to know I'm not the only one concerned by the lack off communication from Bethesda. I mean they usually give the users far more information than most other companies, witch makes it sort of worrying that they have yet to release a date for the S.C.K. The latest information I can find is that it will be released early in January, witch sort of was a couple of weeks ago.


I can't wait until they release it, for now however I will have to make due with skyedit.




@ woopypooky

Considering they have released a creation kit for most of their later games, I seriously doubt that would be the case. Promising something and not coming through with it is just counter productive, and Bethesda actually use much of the modding community to know what to implement and fix in later games or patches. A good example of the last one, is the weapon mods implemented in fallout: New Vegas, that mod was and is one of the more popular mods for fallout 3.






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Hate to say it, but this isn't the Bethesda most of us grew to love. Until Morrowind came out and surprised the hell out of the gaming world, Bethesda wasn't all that big a name. Now they are constantly shooting for GOTY with every game that comes out, and that involves pandering to certain more mainstream elements than their core fans. Also, they are running multiple teams on multiple titles right now, and have to keep the cash flowing. And that need for cash flow (and yes, some greed probably) is why they are focusing on the console cowboys and Steam. Steam is not for anti-piracy protection, no matter what they say. It is so they can get a kickback from the legions of people that buy TES games by showing them ads every time they log in.


I'm not a BethSoft apologist, by any means. They have really crossed a line with this game, both in the shoddy release as well as their apparent loss of interest in keeping their customers happy. Skyrim is their last chance with me, it had better be patched to a more playable state within the next few months,. or they can forget me ever buying from them again. I don't mind waiting out some bug fixes (the best games usually need them), but I'll be damned if I stay loyal while they release patches that break the game worse and then act as though the whole thing is on the back burner for them. I know they will most likely fix it in due time, but what I want to see is a sense of urgency, which is what a responsible company has when it releases a glitchy and sub-par product.

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"According to this article Bethesda confirmed that CK will be released in January and also patch 1.4 which will fix lagg problems for PS3




Thanks for an article many can't read >.>


This this one..




Not much info... just a tweet that went out last night.

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Many other mainstream news websites are reporting the same thing. I think Bethesda has come through for us... at last.


It really would have been a mistake if they'd waited longer.

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Alright, they gave us an update:


"It’s been a few weeks since our last update on Skyrim’s status, so we wanted to share details on what we’re working on.


The Creation Kit and Steam Workshop are nearly ready. We’re currently working with members of Valve and our modding community to do some final testing, and we’re on track for a public release near the end of the month. We think Skyrim modding is one of the game’s best features, and we have the best modders of any game. It’s been a lot of exciting work for us, and we can’t wait to unleash it."


Good to hear, I'm getting anxious!

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