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Vampire sun weakness notification


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Does anyone know if there's a mod out there that would eliminate the sound effect and the screen glare effect when you enter sunlight as a vampire?

It's annoying af when you're a vampire and you're running from store to store selling your loot and every time you exit a buildin, you get the annoying screeching sound effect and a screen glare telling you that "your vampire blood boil in the sun"


I don't mind the sun weakness, I just hate the notification.


If there's no such mod yet, this would be a great idea for a mod maker.

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Hey. At least you can become a vampire. The last 2 times I tried, some kind of glitch kept everyone in Vokihar Castle telling me I wasn't one of "THEM". :pirate:

Huh, weird.

That bug has never happened to me and I've become a volkihar vampire atleast six times by now.

Do you have the unofficial dawnguard patch?

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There is a mod that removes the blur effect but I haven't managed to find one that removes the sound effect also. The sound and blur effect has always bothered me and it amazes me that a mod that removes both does not yet exist, I can't imagine it would be a hard thing to do. Hopefully the sound effect don't bother you too much if you intend to use the mod I found.


EDIT: Scratch that, found one.

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