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What Would Make Skyrim Better?


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Actually being able to fly upon a dragon (and see it)!

Similar Fast Traveling only where the cart takes you, and here a fast-forward video sequence would be cool.

Bigger maps, that require less switching / doors (one big map per dungeon instead of 3 small ones).

Open Cities (Main cities not as a seperate map, but within the main map)

NPCs dialogue options better fitting current questline states.

Smithing/Enchanting/Alchemy not giving that much money.

All armor/weapons showing some kind of abrasion.

An economy that actually is one (prices go down if you produce a lot of one stuff, and you see some of your items popping up elsewhere you sold).

A bards questline that is not "Tomb Raider", but actually involves bard-like tasks.

Being able to play an instrument, inkl. show off.

Be able to tell Delphine what you think of her.

NPCs that seriously not give up seeking soon when they got an arrow sticked in their face/knee or you kill one of their companions.

NPCs that can cast "Detect Life" too uncover you.

More diversity than too many Nord Tombs.

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Well, what would all you do to make skyrim better? Would you make skills easier to learn? Would you make a better ending? Etc. My two biggest changes would definitely be less glitches that ruin important quests and a better ending. What about you?

+1 on the economy. I can imagine selling the same armor over and over would flood the market lowering the value... even simple economic dynamics would be cool.


Followers on a horse, either a separte horse or piggy back would be fine.


More NPC relationship development, for example I seem to remember getting to like Modryn Oreyn of the fighters guild in Oblivion (there were a few others in Oblivion) NPC characters are shallow in Skyrim (IMO)

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Well, there's technically no ending, but I think you mean to main quests, which I agree.


Modders will fix the glitches and bugs, so that's out.


Mine would have to be a working dynamic economy, where the merchant's gold doesn't reset over the next 2 days. (Probably will be modded, it was in Oblivion). Also, more NPC's. It's a huge world with no crowded cities or towns, unless it's during a quest. That probably has to do with console performance, but still.

Arent many mods for '360 :(

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dx11 full support


more armor slots ( like morrowind )


darker nights and caves


hardcore mode ( can't wait for overhaul mods! )


and for me personally, 2 more monitors and 2 evga gtx 580 3gb's in SLI <3

^will make it more sexy

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