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What Would Make Skyrim Better?


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Bethesda brags about having 70 unique voice actors in one of their "behind the scenes" vid's. I really love that they spend money on some (semi)famous actors... BUT how about paying someextra authors to write some more manuscripts? I mean, there is so many seperate recordings of the same lines. Would it really be that hard to write the same thing in other phrasings now that they are making different people say the same thing?


Race specific quests that teaches you some of the lore behind your race. I know you can read many books on the topic (yes i read those books) but make race choice have more impact than just "Is that.... fur coming out of your ears" if you Khajiit. (Same line if your inflicted with beastblood.. subtle hint without saying to much i hope ;)


Forget about carry weight (Yes i know you can sort that in other ways which i did straight away). If your playing this game you most likely have a compulsive-gathering-syndrome and want to bring it all back with you, which makes it a nightmare doing dwemer instances since there is so many heavy objects you would like to bring back with you.


More consequence of your actions! As it is right now you can do whatever you want exept kill/rob the kid npc's (which i think is okay). Do a few fast quests for a hold, then your basically home-free by mentioning your the thane of the hold. If you choose evil then live with the consequences, and if your good you should recieve more of a karma bonus or w/e you want to call it.


More balance in the item rewards or simply more different versions of the rewards. There is not much love for the casters vs heavy armor users in the Daedric Artifacts as an example.


Why oh why are all the Daedric masks heavy or light armor even the ones that is clearly for casters. (Mage Armor perk gets screwed in many occasions on this behalf)


I could go on, but cannot be bothered right now, and even with all the bugs and glitches i must say i love Skyrim <3

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What would make Skyrim better?


1/ Consequences for actions...example: Undermining Mavern should stir her up (stealing horse, smuggling mead, etc...).


2/ More dialog options for better more defined character building RPG experience.


3/ Ability to tell the Blades (Delphine) where to go with her attitude, demands, etc....


4/ More depth to romance than "Make my dinner".


5/ Reaction to your Dragonborn's race, sex, etc... My Dragonborn is a Nord, so why would the Dark Elf Shop Keeper in Windhelm trust him (immediantly at that) and ask him for help with the ring?.... :wallbash:


6/ Not be forced to join Guilds to complete unrelated quests...(I'm looking at you Mages Guild for main quest and Gaulders Amulet)...My Nord is a warrior, the only magic he uses at all are the Shouts, he has no interest in magic.

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