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[LE] Simple question? Do the weapons get rescaled when unsheated?

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Hi everyone.

This is just a simple question. I might be going crazy (lol)
But when I make a huge weapon for Skyrim, when sheated on the back etc it looks like it have the same size as I modelled it, but it does not matter, everytime you unsheat it looks like it has been rescale to a smaller size. The same happens when weapons are on the ground, they look a lot smaller from what they should be.

Am I seeing things or this is actually a thing?

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Yes, this is indeed a thing.


And after extensive experiments (ingame and with NifSkope) I can tell you that there is at least for the female skeleton a huge mismatch regarding the weapon size sheathed/unsheathed. This goes for 1hand weapons as well for all 2hand weapons.


You can fix this by editing the skeleton_female.nif (more properly: the WEAPON NiNode) properly.


As for the male skeleteon...according to my experiments with NifSkope the scale seems to be identical. Nonetheless sometimes it seems to me that the sheathed weapon still is bigger then when it's drawn.

Edited by Novem99
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Yes, this is indeed a thing.


And after extensive experiments (ingame and with NifSkope) I can tell you that there is at least for the female skeleton a huge mismatch regarding the weapon size sheathed/unsheathed. This goes for 1hand weapons as well for all 2hand weapons.


You can fix this by editing the skeleton_female.nif (more properly: the WEAPON NiNode) properly.


As for the male skeleteon...according to my experiments with NifSkope the scale seems to be identical. Nonetheless sometimes it seems to me that the sheathed weapon still is bigger then when it's drawn.


Btw, the weapon NiNode you mentioned, I can put it on my NIF so it will stay the same size is supposed to? Is that it?

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Here's the NiNode I'm talking about:




Please notice the right side of the picture. One of the swords is the model that appears on back when it's sheathed. The other one is the model you hold in your hands after you've drawn it from the back. I changed their position for better comparison. You can see that after I changed the scale from 1.0000 to 1.1750 both weapons have the same size. Don't get confused by the file name "skeleton_female back scale". This was created by me for experimental purposes and doesn't exist in the original game. The file YOU have to change is still "skeleton_female".

Edited by Novem99
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